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Are Elephant Skin Boots Illegal?
So, are elephant skin boots illegal or are they legal? Generally speaking, as long as the skin is obtained from a legal source then the boots themselves will also be legal. Because of the need to have proper environmental and ethical protections in place the elephant skin market is regulated and controlled. The goal is to protect the animals and the populations in the areas they reside in.
There are specific regulations governing the sale and ownership of elephant products in the United States. Based on these regulations, owning elephant skin boots is currently legal in almost all states in the US. Only New York, New Jersey, and California currently have stricter state laws prohibiting the import and sale of elephant skins. You will want to be aware of the specific regulations in your jurisdiction to ensure you stay compliant when owning or purchasing elephant skin boots.
Elephant Skin Boots Legality Overview
International Regulations
Understanding international regulations is one of the first things to understand when it comes to elephant skin boots. The key governing regulation here is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). CITES plays a significant role in regulating the trade of elephant products, including their skin. It bears noting that elephant skin doesn’t face regulations as strict as those on ivory which are illegal in basically all cases. This means that if the elephant skin being traded adheres to CITES’ regulations, it can be legal in those circumstances. The key criteria here is that the animals were being legally culled and not poached.
Country-Specific Laws
Laws surrounding elephant skin boots vary from one country to another. In some countries, like Zimbabwe, elephant skin auctions are legal and booming. However, certain countries may have stricter rules and impose additional limitations on the sale, ownership, and import of elephant skin products. You will have to make sure to research the specific laws in your country before considering buying or selling elephant skin boots.
Penalties and Consequences
If you fail to comply with the international and country-specific regulations regarding elephant skin boots, you may face penalties ranging from fines to legal consequences. Violating CITES regulations can result in strict penalties in many countries. Additionally, failing to follow your country’s specific laws can lead to fines, legal issues, or even the seizure of the elephant skin products in question.
Bottom line – owning elephant skin boots is not necessarily illegal, but it is important to be aware of the laws in your country and state. In the US only three states currently prohibit the import and sale of elephant skins.
Factors Affecting Elephant Skin Boot Ownership
CITES Certification
As a responsible owner of elephant skin boots, you will want to make sure the seller complies with CITES regulations. When purchasing elephant skin boots, look for CITES certification to ensure your boots comply with the regulations and that the leather comes from elephants that were legally hunted or a result of natural death.
Sustainable Sourcing
Another consideration you may want to make is to consider the sustainability of elephant skin products. To ensure you are supporting ethical and sustainable practices, research your elephant skin boot retailer, and choose brands that source from countries or organizations with strong conservation programs. The Fish and Wildlife Service maintains that the skin trade does not pose a significant threat to the viability of the elephant species.

Public Perception and Controversy
Something for you to consider as an owner or potential purchaser of elephant cowboy boots is that there is some potential for controversy. Elephant skin products, including boots, can provoke a range of emotions from those with ethical concerns.
Consumers and animal rights activists have pushed for stricter regulations and an outright ban on all elephant skin products in the United States. High profile celebrities have also been written about in news articles.
Summing It Up
Owning elephant skin cowboy boots is not illegal in the United States depending on your location. The only states with a ban on the import and sale of elephant skins are New York, New Jersey, and California, while other states have no restrictions.
Legality aside, you may want to consider if you believe there are any ethical implications of owning products made from elephant skin. The regulations governing their import and sale can grant you some measure of assurances that the elephant boots you are wearing are sustainably harvested, but each person will have to answer this question of ethics for themselves.
Is elephant leather ethical?
This is a determination that each person will have to weigh for themselves. There are strong opinions here. Ensuring you are using legally sourced elephant hide that was sustainably harvested is an important part of this answer.
Can you still get elephant skin boots?
At the present time elephant skin cowboy boots are widely available at in-person and online retailers of cowboy boots.
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