how to use lexol?

How to Use Lexol: Expert Tips for Leather Care

How to Use Lexol: Expert Tips for Leather Care

If you want your leather cowboy boots or other leather items to maintain their appearance and last for a long time you are going to have to take proper care of them. One popular solution that many people swear by for cleaning and conditioning leather is Lexol. This article will walk through how to use Lexol leather cleaner and conditioner to help you preserve your leather items.

Before we take a deeper look into the process of using Lexol, let’s take a high level look at the basics. Using Lexol leather cleaner is a pretty straightforward and simple process that doesn’t require that you have any special tools or expertise.

A few basic points always apply regardless of the product chosen – preparing your leather surfaces and making sure you have all the right materials are the first steps. And you will always want test a small, inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying any product to the entire item so you can make sure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

how to use lexol?

What is Lexol?

Lexol is a well-known brand featuring leather care products that are designed to clean, condition, and protect your leather items like boots. It is a water-based substance that doesn’t contain silicone or petroleum-based solvents.

Lexol is reported as non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-greasy. This mix of attributes make it an attractive choice for maintaining a wide range of leather items, such as car upholstery, boots, shoes, bags, saddles, and furniture.

Like all products you will want to make sure to follow the directions and avoid using it on suede where it may cause damage. You will want to find a dedicated suede product for suede cleaning and conditioning.

will lexol darken leather?

Selecting the Right Lexol Product

Lexol Leather Cleaner

Lexol Leather Cleaner is Lexol’s offering to allow you to remove dirt, grime, and stains from your leather surfaces.

To use Lexol Leather cleaner:

  1. Shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply the Lexol Leather Cleaner onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Gently work the cleaner into the leather, paying special attention to any soiled or stained areas.
  4. Wipe away any excess cleaner with a soft cloth.
  5. Allow your leather to dry naturally (you should not use heat or direct sunlight).

After a cleaning session it is always the best advice to follow up next with a conditioner to help keep your leather smooth and supple.

Lexol Leather Conditioner

Lexol Leather Conditioner is Lexol’s conditioning product. Lexol Leather Conditioner is designed to condition your leather without leaving behind a greasy residue.

To use the conditioner:

  1. Shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply Lexol Leather Conditioner onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Gently massage the conditioner into the leather using circular motions.
  4. Allow the leather to absorb the conditioner.
  5. Wipe away any excess conditioning product with a clean, dry cloth.

Regular conditioning for your cowboy boots will help to increase their longevity and keep them looking good over the long haul.

how do you clean leather with lexol?

How to Use Lexol Products

Step-by-step Leather Cleaning Process

  1. Shake the bottle well: Before using Lexol Leather Cleaner, make sure to shake the bottle thoroughly to ensure even distribution of the cleaning solution.
  2. Apply Lexol onto a cloth or sponge: Pour a small amount of the Lexol Leather Cleaner onto a clean cloth or sponge.
  3. Apply Lexol to your leather: Gently massage the cloth or sponge onto the leather surface in a circular motion, ensuring that you cover the entire area you want to clean.
  4. Wipe any excess away with a soft cloth: After applying the cleaner, use a clean, dry cloth to gently remove any excess cleaner from the leather surface.
  5. Let your leather dry naturally: Allow the leather to dry naturally after cleaning.

Step-by-step Leather Conditioning Process

  1. Shake the Lexol Leather Conditioner bottle: Just like the cleaner, start by shaking the bottle of Lexol Leather Conditioner well before use.
  2. Apply conditioner onto a soft cloth or sponge: Pour a small amount of the Lexol Leather Conditioner onto a clean cloth or sponge, similar to the cleaning process.
  3. Apply conditioner to your leather: Gently massage the cloth or sponge with the conditioner onto the leather surface in a circular motion, covering the entire area you want to condition.
  4. Wipe off excess conditioner with a soft cloth: Use a clean, dry cloth to gently remove any excess conditioner from the leather surface. Like cleaning, this step helps prevent buildup and ensures even distribution of the product.
  5. Let your leather dry naturally: Allow the leather to dry naturally after conditioning to ensure optimum absorption and protection.

lexol leather cleaner how to use?

Tips and Best Practices

Frequency of Use

You should consider the usage and in what environments you use your leather items to determine the frequency with which you should use clean and condition them. If your items are regularly exposed to dirt or to harsh conditions, you may need to clean them more frequently than if you wear them to an office environment or similar. A general guideline to consider would be to clean your leather items every 3-6 months or when they start to show visible signs of dirt, whichever comes first.

Safety Precautions

While Lexol Leather Cleaner is considered to us a gentle formula, it’s still important to follow the manufacturer instructions and use the following safety precautions to ensure proper usage and to avoid any potential harm to your leather items:

  • Always test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying it to the entire surface. This will help you determine if the cleaner will cause any discoloration or other adverse effects.
  • Avoid using the cleaner on suede or nubuck leather, as it may not be suitable for these types of materials.
  • Keep the cleaner away from children and pets, and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • If the cleaner comes into contact with your eyes or skin, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical advice if irritation persists.

FAQ’s For How To Use Lexol

Does Lexol Darken Leather?

Results appear to be mixed. Lexol is not intended to be a leather darkening product, but this is one of the reasons that we always recommend testing a small area that wont be seen to check for any color impacts.

How does Lexol Compare to Bick 4?

While Lexol is a solid product with its many fans, I am still a big fan of using either Bick #4 or Bickmore Exotic.

Is Lexol specifically designed for cowboy boots?

No, Lexol is designed to be a multi-use item for leather items including car interiors, luggage, and furniture as well as apparel and leather boots.

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