Cowboy Boot Care – Cowboy Boot Guru All Your Cowboy Boot Questions Answered Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:35:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cowboy Boot Care – Cowboy Boot Guru 32 32 222802615 How to Use Lexol: Expert Tips for Leather Care Fri, 04 Aug 2023 19:27:29 +0000 Read More]]> How to Use Lexol: Expert Tips for Leather Care

If you want your leather cowboy boots or other leather items to maintain their appearance and last for a long time you are going to have to take proper care of them. One popular solution that many people swear by for cleaning and conditioning leather is Lexol. This article will walk through how to use Lexol leather cleaner and conditioner to help you preserve your leather items.

Before we take a deeper look into the process of using Lexol, let’s take a high level look at the basics. Using Lexol leather cleaner is a pretty straightforward and simple process that doesn’t require that you have any special tools or expertise.

A few basic points always apply regardless of the product chosen – preparing your leather surfaces and making sure you have all the right materials are the first steps. And you will always want test a small, inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying any product to the entire item so you can make sure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

how to use lexol?

What is Lexol?

Lexol is a well-known brand featuring leather care products that are designed to clean, condition, and protect your leather items like boots. It is a water-based substance that doesn’t contain silicone or petroleum-based solvents.

Lexol is reported as non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-greasy. This mix of attributes make it an attractive choice for maintaining a wide range of leather items, such as car upholstery, boots, shoes, bags, saddles, and furniture.

Like all products you will want to make sure to follow the directions and avoid using it on suede where it may cause damage. You will want to find a dedicated suede product for suede cleaning and conditioning.

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Selecting the Right Lexol Product

Lexol Leather Cleaner

Lexol Leather Cleaner is Lexol’s offering to allow you to remove dirt, grime, and stains from your leather surfaces.

To use Lexol Leather cleaner:

  1. Shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply the Lexol Leather Cleaner onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Gently work the cleaner into the leather, paying special attention to any soiled or stained areas.
  4. Wipe away any excess cleaner with a soft cloth.
  5. Allow your leather to dry naturally (you should not use heat or direct sunlight).

After a cleaning session it is always the best advice to follow up next with a conditioner to help keep your leather smooth and supple.

Lexol Leather Conditioner

Lexol Leather Conditioner is Lexol’s conditioning product. Lexol Leather Conditioner is designed to condition your leather without leaving behind a greasy residue.

To use the conditioner:

  1. Shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply Lexol Leather Conditioner onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Gently massage the conditioner into the leather using circular motions.
  4. Allow the leather to absorb the conditioner.
  5. Wipe away any excess conditioning product with a clean, dry cloth.

Regular conditioning for your cowboy boots will help to increase their longevity and keep them looking good over the long haul.

how do you clean leather with lexol?

How to Use Lexol Products

Step-by-step Leather Cleaning Process

  1. Shake the bottle well: Before using Lexol Leather Cleaner, make sure to shake the bottle thoroughly to ensure even distribution of the cleaning solution.
  2. Apply Lexol onto a cloth or sponge: Pour a small amount of the Lexol Leather Cleaner onto a clean cloth or sponge.
  3. Apply Lexol to your leather: Gently massage the cloth or sponge onto the leather surface in a circular motion, ensuring that you cover the entire area you want to clean.
  4. Wipe any excess away with a soft cloth: After applying the cleaner, use a clean, dry cloth to gently remove any excess cleaner from the leather surface.
  5. Let your leather dry naturally: Allow the leather to dry naturally after cleaning.

Step-by-step Leather Conditioning Process

  1. Shake the Lexol Leather Conditioner bottle: Just like the cleaner, start by shaking the bottle of Lexol Leather Conditioner well before use.
  2. Apply conditioner onto a soft cloth or sponge: Pour a small amount of the Lexol Leather Conditioner onto a clean cloth or sponge, similar to the cleaning process.
  3. Apply conditioner to your leather: Gently massage the cloth or sponge with the conditioner onto the leather surface in a circular motion, covering the entire area you want to condition.
  4. Wipe off excess conditioner with a soft cloth: Use a clean, dry cloth to gently remove any excess conditioner from the leather surface. Like cleaning, this step helps prevent buildup and ensures even distribution of the product.
  5. Let your leather dry naturally: Allow the leather to dry naturally after conditioning to ensure optimum absorption and protection.

lexol leather cleaner how to use?

Tips and Best Practices

Frequency of Use

You should consider the usage and in what environments you use your leather items to determine the frequency with which you should use clean and condition them. If your items are regularly exposed to dirt or to harsh conditions, you may need to clean them more frequently than if you wear them to an office environment or similar. A general guideline to consider would be to clean your leather items every 3-6 months or when they start to show visible signs of dirt, whichever comes first.

Safety Precautions

While Lexol Leather Cleaner is considered to us a gentle formula, it’s still important to follow the manufacturer instructions and use the following safety precautions to ensure proper usage and to avoid any potential harm to your leather items:

  • Always test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying it to the entire surface. This will help you determine if the cleaner will cause any discoloration or other adverse effects.
  • Avoid using the cleaner on suede or nubuck leather, as it may not be suitable for these types of materials.
  • Keep the cleaner away from children and pets, and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • If the cleaner comes into contact with your eyes or skin, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical advice if irritation persists.

FAQ’s For How To Use Lexol

Does Lexol Darken Leather?

Results appear to be mixed. Lexol is not intended to be a leather darkening product, but this is one of the reasons that we always recommend testing a small area that wont be seen to check for any color impacts.

How does Lexol Compare to Bick 4?

While Lexol is a solid product with its many fans, I am still a big fan of using either Bick #4 or Bickmore Exotic.

Is Lexol specifically designed for cowboy boots?

No, Lexol is designed to be a multi-use item for leather items including car interiors, luggage, and furniture as well as apparel and leather boots.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

Are Caiman Boots Stiff? How To Break Them In For Comfort and Flexibility Sun, 30 Jul 2023 22:47:17 +0000 Read More]]> Are Caiman Boots Stiff? Exploring Their Comfort and Flexibility

Caiman skin cowboy boots are a very popular boot style that get high marks for their unique texture and appearance. In fact, caiman leather is often compared to its more expensive counterpart – alligator leather. However, one thing that comes up often when talking to people about caiman boots is are caiman boots stiff and does that make caiman hard to break in? In this article we will try to answer those who wonder about their stiffness and comfort.

It is true that one of the factors that sets caiman leather apart from many other exotic leathers is its natural stiffness. This is due to the presence of bony plates within the leather and does lead to caiman boots being stiffer than many other types of cowboy boots.

What this means for you is that the same features that give caiman boots their distinctive look also means that breaking them in might require a bit more time and effort.

Key Takeaways

  • Caiman boots have a unique appearance and texture but also do tend to be stiffer than many other types of cowboy boots.
  • The presence of bony plates in caiman leather contributes to their stiffness and leads to more effort to break them in for a comfortable fit.

are caiman boots stiff?

Comfort and Fit

We have acknowledged that caiman boots can sometimes be stiff due to their exotic leather construction. In this next section, we’ll discuss how to break in caiman boots and a bit about their durability and quality.

How to Break In Caiman Boots

Even though your caiman boots may initially feel a bit tight and uncomfortable on your feet due to their stiffness you shouldn’t worry too much. So, how do you soften caiman boots? Like all boots you can break in these boots as well by following a few simple steps:

  1. Start with the right size: Make sure you have the correct size boot to fit your feet. The wrong size will get you out of the gate in a bad position.
  2. Wear thick socks: You should wear thick socks to both protect your feet from rubbing against the stiff leather as well as to help stretch out the boots a bit.
  3. Apply conditioner: Apply a quality leather conditioner to the leather to help soften and condition it further. Should you use Bickmore Exotic or use Bick #4?
  4. Give your boots time to break in: you can’t rush the process. I recommend that you alternate between wearing your caiman boots and your old boots to give them more time to break in and give your feet a rest from the break in stage. I’ve had food experience using this rotation method with breaking in boots.

how to break in caiman boots?

Durability and Quality

We have established that caiman boots are a high-quality leather with good durability and a unique aesthetic appearance. And that while they might feel kind of stiff initially, with both the proper care and regular wear they eventually will become more comfortable and broken in. As a durable leather once broken in you should expect to enjoy your caiman boots for years to come.

how to soften caiman boots?

How Does Caiman Leather Compare to Other Leathers?

Cowhide Leather

Cowhide leather is the most traditional and one of the most widely used materials for cowboy boots. It’s known for its durability, relatively low cost, and ability to mold to the shape of your foot. Cowhide leather is found in the majority of boots on the market.

Ostrich Leather

Ostrich leather is an exotic leather option known for its distinct pattern and for its soft and supple texture. Ostrich leather is an interesting contrast to caiman with both being good boots, but quite a few differences.  Ostrich leather also holds up well over time making it a popular choice for exotic leather boots.

Stingray Leather

Stingray leather is a very interesting exotic leather that is both attractive and unique. Stingray is considered to be exceptionally strong and is resistant to both wear and water which make it a good, practical choice for boots. The stiffness of stingray leather is more than caiman and they can take longer to break in.

can you wear caiman boots everyday?

Are Caiman Boots Stiff and Should I Be Worried?

It is a fact that caiman boots can be considered relatively stiff in comparison to some other types of exotic leather cowboy boots. This stiffness is a part of the natural features of the caiman skin which has a calcium rivet in the middle of each scale. This natural characteristic does make caiman leather a bit less supple and more rigid than alternative exotics such as ostrich leather, but don’t let this dissuade you from caiman cowboy boots.

Once broken in caiman is a lovely boot and I wear mine often and they look and feel great. You can wear caiman boots everyday if you wanted to. The unique texture and pattern of caiman is eye catching and will make you enjoy wearing them.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

how do you soften caiman boots?

How to Clean White Stitching on Leather Cowboy Boots: Expert Tips for Spotless Shine Sun, 30 Jul 2023 22:39:37 +0000 Read More]]> How to Clean White Stitching on Leather Cowboy Boots: Expert Tips for Spotless Shine

While opinions may vary on color choice it’s a common belief that the white stitching on some leather cowboy boots adds a touch of elegance and style to your footwear. Over time these white stitches may become either dirty or discolored or both which affects the overall appearance of your boots. So, How to Clean White Stitching on Leather Cowboy Boots? To keep that pristine look on your white stitching not only keeps your boots looking their best but can also protect the stitching from wear and tear. In this article we will share some efficient and practical techniques to help you to clean and preserve the white stitching on your leather cowboy boots.

Knowing how to effectively clean the white stitching on your boots can extend their lifespan and ensure your boot remains in great shape for years to come. In the following sections, we will explore different methods including those that utilize readily available household items and gentle cleaning agents.

You’ll want to keep in mind any unique features or materials of your particular pair of cowboy boots, as these factors could influence the ideal cleaning method for your situation.

The effort you make towards learning the proper techniques and dedicating the time and effort required to care for your cowboy boots will be what allows you to maintain their stylish appeal and preserve their durability for the years to come.

How to Clean White Stitching on Leather Cowboy Boots?

Prepare for Cleaning the White Stitching on Your Boots

You may be worried that cleaning white stitching on your leather cowboy boots is some huge and daunting task. You will be happy to know that with just a bit of preparation and a few essential tools, you can make the stitching on your boots look as good as new. These tips will get you started:

First off, you will want to remove any loose dirt or dust from your cowboy boots by using a soft brush or cloth. This first step will keep any of this dirt or dust from spreading to the stitching while you clean.

Next up gather the necessary supplies you need for cleaning the white stitching. You will need a cloth, a small brush (or toothbrush), and a mild soap – saddle soap is a good choice here. You want to make sure that you use a soap designed for cleaning leather. Other types of soap might be too harsh on the material. Having that toothbrush or other small brush at hand for targeting stubborn stains on the stitching will be something you are glad you have.

To best protect the leather surrounding the stitching it’s always a good idea to add a layer of leather conditioner to the boots before cleaning the white stitching. This step helps to create a barrier between any of the soap and the leather.

Now that your basic prep is in place, you are ready to begin the process of actually cleaning the white stitching on your leather cowboy boots and making them shine bright white once again.

how to clean white stitching on boots?

How To Clean White Stitching On Cowboy Boots?

As mentioned, the process of cleaning white stitching on leather cowboy boots requires a few essential tools and techniques. Your supplies should include a soft cloth, mild soap, preferably saddle soap, a horsehair brush, and a toothbrush or other small brush.

First up, put a small amount of soap onto your cloth and gently wipe down the white stitching.

Next, use your soft horsehair brush or small toothbrush to clean any stubborn dirt or grime from the stitching. When you are using a toothbrush, make sure you have chosen one with soft bristles so that you can avoid damaging any delicate stitching.

Gently brush the stitching seams in a circular motion, while being careful not to scrub too hard or to cause any damage to the leather itself. This step of the method targets any stains and dirt that may have built up on the stitching. Afterwards, gently lather a small amount of soap on the brush and then continue to gently brush the white stitching with an even, light pressure.

Once you are done with these steps you should have successfully cleaned the white stitching and next up it’s time to properly dry your boots. You will want to use a dry cloth or towel to gently pat the areas around the stitching and removing any excess.

Once you are finished with that step the final thing to do is to apply a good leather conditioner to the entire surface area of your boots. A quality leather conditioner is going to help preserve the leather, keep it supple, and prolong the life of your cowboy boots. You will want to ensure that you choose a conditioner that is suitable for your type of leather and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.

how do you whiten cowboy boot stitching?

Removing Stubborn Stains from White Stitching

If the steps above didn’t get all the stains out of the white stitching, then you may have some more stubborn stains that require a bit of special attention. If that is the case, you can try reading through the next steps to try to remove those stains from the white stitching without damaging the leather.

If you have hard to remove stains that are from mud or salt you can always try a cleaning solution that is equal parts white vinegar and water mixed in a bowl. You can dip a soft cloth into the solution and then gently rub it over the affected areas of your boots.

If stubborn stains still persist after trying the vinegar solution you may want to try using a bleach pen on the white stitching. If you go this route, be sure to test the bleach pen on an inconspicuous area of your boots first to check if it discolors the leather. If this test is good, then you can gently apply the bleach pen onto the stained stitching – you must avoid contact with the leather of the boot – and then allow it to sit for a few minutes before wiping it clean with a damp cloth.

By trying a combination of these methods, you should find yourself able to tackle a variety of stubborn stains including both mud and salt through to even harder-to-remove substances like ink or grease. You should always be sure to thoroughly dry and condition your boots after cleaning to maintain them at maximum performance levels.

how to clean white stitching on cowboy boots?

TL;DR For How to Clean White Stitching on Boots

Cleaning white stitching on boots isn’t as hard of a task as it may seem. Gather a few simple supplies – basically a soft cloth and brush, a toothbrush, saddle soap, and you have what is needed. Apply the saddle soap with the toothbrush and wipe the stitches clean. Condition the boot after cleaning. There are other methods, but this one has worked well for me and others in the past.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

Can You Use Bick 4 on Ostrich? Top Tips You Need To Know Sat, 29 Jul 2023 12:59:53 +0000 Read More]]> Can You Use Bick 4 on Ostrich?

In this article we are going to dive into the question of can you use Bick 4 on ostrich leather boots. In many places you are going to find the recommendation to use Bickmore Exotic or a similar exotic leather cleaner on your ostrich boots, but not as much about using Bick 4 on exotic leathers like ostrich.

I expect that wondering about this question is part of how you found your way here. So, how does Bick 4 compare to Bickmore Exotic and should I just use the exotic blend on my ostrich boots or is Bick 4 ok to use as well?

The general answer is that if you have it, go ahead and use the Bickmore Exotic on your ostrich leathers. It is easy to apply and works well. No reason to mess with something that works. However, I have personally used Bick 4 on my ostrich boots with no negative consequences and as you can see at the linked article above there are many similarities between the two products.  I have had good success at doing so with no ill effects.

Before we tackle the question of the compatibility of Bick 4 with ostrich leather in more detail, let’s briefly talk about what Bick 4 is and what it can do for your leather goods.

Bick 4 is a popular leather conditioning product from Bickmore, a brand with longstanding experience in leather care. It’s a high-quality leather conditioner designed to be used on your leather items without darkening them – a key feature that sets it apart from many other leather conditioners in the market today.

can you use bick 4 on ostrich?

The Right Way to Use Bick 4 on Ostrich Leather

The good news is that using Bick 4 is an easy process. Just apply it to your clean leather goods with a soft cloth, working it in circular motions until the leather absorbs it. Afterwards, buff the leather with a clean, dry cloth and you’re finished.

The Compatibility of Bick 4 and Ostrich Leather

Let’s dive further though. The question here is can you use Bick 4 on ostrich leather?

Can You Use Bick 4 on Ostrich Leather?

The answer is a definite yes, you can. Bick 4 is considered a gentle and effective conditioner suitable for most types of leather, including exotic leathers like ostrich. Its formulation is designed so as not to darken the leather, so you can use it with confidence on your ostrich leather items. This author has used it on ostrich regularly with no negative effects. (As always, test any conditioner in an inconspicuous place prior to use)

bick 4 on ostrich

Care and Maintenance of Ostrich Leather

Now that we’ve answered the query by saying that you can use Bick 4 on ostrich leather, let’s talk about some general care and maintenance tips for your ostrich leather items.

General Guidelines for Taking Care of Ostrich Leather

Like all leathers, ostrich leather also needs to receive regular cleaning and conditioning to keep it looking its best. To get started, wipe your boots down with a soft cloth to remove and dust and dirt and then apply a conditioner like Bick 4 to keep it hydrated and protected. You will want to apply the conditioner evenly and let it absorb into the leather. Allow the conditioner to dry, then buff with a dry cloth to bring out a beautiful shine. Looking for how you can remove stains from ostrich leather? 

Precautions to Prevent Damage

You will want to avoid exposing your ostrich leather boots to either excessive moisture or harsh conditions, which even with proper conditioning can degrade the leather over time. You should also remember that while ostrich leather is a durable leather it can still be scratched or punctured so watch out for hazards.

can i use bick 4 on ostrich boots


To sum it all up in a TL;DR – Yes, you can use Bick 4 on ostrich leather. It is a great way to help maintain both the beauty and longevity of your ostrich leather boots.

FAQs About Using Bick 4 on Ostrich Leather Cowboy Boots

Will Bick 4 darken my ostrich leather?

No, Bick 4 is designed not to darken leather products. (always test it prior to a first use on a pair of boots)

How often should I condition my ostrich leather?

As a general rule of thumb, you should plan to condition your ostrich leather once every few months. This can vary depending on how you use them and the environmental conditions you wear your boots in. If your boots appear to be dry or dull it may be time for the next conditioning treatment.

Can I use Bick 4 on other types of exotic leather?

Yes, Bick 4 is safe to use on most types of leather, including other exotic leathers like caiman, python, crocodile, and snakeskin. However, always do a spot test before using on any leather to be sure.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

is bick 4 good for ostrich boots

How to Remove Stain from Ostrich Leather: 9 Expert Tips You Need To Know Sat, 29 Jul 2023 11:56:38 +0000 Read More]]> How to Remove Stain from Ostrich Leather – Ways to Keep Your Ostrich Boots Looking as Good as New

Ostrich leather is one of the most popular exotic leathers in large part due to its unique appearance and its soft texture. It also follows that due to its more delicate nature compared to other exotics it requires timely care and attention when it comes to removing stains.

In this article, we will walk through the process of removing stains from your ostrich leather items with the focus on techniques that are both gentle and effective.. With these you will know how to remove stain from ostrich leather so you can keep them looking their best.

how to remove stain from ostrich leather?

Understanding Ostrich Leather

When you own a product made of ostrich leather, it’s essential to understand its properties and how to care for it properly.

Ostrich leather contains natural oils that give the material its characteristic soft and supple feel. These natural oils also contribute to the leather’s clean finish that make it look sleek and sophisticated. What this also means is that ostrich leather can be more prone than some other exotics to showing stains and marks if not cared for correctly.

If you want to maintain that like new appearance for your ostrich leather, you’ll need to clean and condition them regularly and remove any stains as soon as they appear.

There are multiple cleaning methods for getting stains out of ostrich leather, ranging from standard leather cleaners to using a sprinkling of talcum powder onto oil stains. The idea there is to absorb the excess oil before gently brushing it off. No matter which method you end up using you’ll want to avoid using any harsh chemicals or detergents when cleaning ostrich leather, as this may lead to damage and discoloration.

Pre-Cleaning Steps

Ok, so how do you get stains out of ostrich leather? Prep is step one. Before you dive into cleaning your ostrich leather boots, let’s prepare with these pre-cleaning steps.

Removing Loose Dirt

First up, you’ll want to grab a soft brush (a horsehair brush works great here) or in a pinch you could use an old toothbrush with softened bristles. You’ll use these to gently brush off any loose dirt or debris from your boots. As you brush you’ll want to be sure to pay extra attention to any crevices, stitching, or textured patterns where dirt accumulates.

After you’ve removed any loose dirt from your ostrich leather boots, you’ll be ready to clean them thoroughly to remove any stains.

how do you get stains out of ostrich leather

Methods to Remove Stains from Ostrich Boots

Using Leather Cleaner to Remove Stains on Ostrich

Using a quality brand leather cleaner is one of the best solutions to start with when trying to remove stains from ostrich leather. I’d try that first before any other home remedies. To start, you always want to test any cleaning products on a small, relatively inconspicuous area of the leather so you can make sure it doesn’t cause any discoloration.

Once you have confidence that the cleaner is good to use, you can apply it to a soft cloth and then gently rub on the stained area (following the manufacturer’s instructions). Once you’ve confirmed that the cleaner has done its job, you’ll want to followup by applying a leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and well maintained. You’ll always want to follow any cleaning methods with a good conditioning.

Using Saddle Soap to remove stains from ostrich boots

Another option you can try to remove stains from ostrich leather is saddle soap. While saddle soap can strip some of the natural oils since all the other products here have to be followed by conditioning that’s not a unique problem here. Saddle soap can help in removing stains from ostrich boots. You should apply the saddle soap to a soft cloth and then gently rub on the stain in a circular motion. Lightly rinse the area with a damp cloth and then allow it to air dry (out of direct sun or heat) completely.

Home Remedies to Clean Stains on Ostrich Leather

If those don’t work or you just prefer a more natural approach, there are some home remedies you can try to remove stains from ostrich leather.

Cornstarch or Talcum Powder

If you have oil stains on your ostrich boots, you can try dusting the stain with either cornstarch or talcum powder and then letting it sit for 20 to 30 minutes before brushing it off with a soft cloth. The powder will help to absorb the oil and remove the stain. You can try multiple applications if only one doesn’t work.

Cream of Tartar and Lemon Juice

If you need to remove darker stains, then one reported remedy is to mix equal parts cream of tartar and lemon juice to create a paste. Then you apply this paste directly to the stain and allow it to sit for a few minutes then wipe it away with a dampened cloth.

Vinegar or White Vinegar

Vinegar can reportedly be a helpful home remedy for removing stains from ostrich leather. You would mix one part vinegar with one part water and then  apply the solution to a soft cloth or sponge. Gently rub the stain with the cloth – be mindful not to soak the leather in the process. Let the solution air dry naturally, and then wipe the leather with a clean, dry cloth.

Just like when using a store bought product, when using any home remedy on ostrich leather you’ll still always want to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t discolor the leather.

get water stains out of ostrich leather boots

You can get water stains from wearing your ostrich boots in the rain like the picture above.

Addressing Stubborn Stains On Ostrich Leather

Oil Stains

In order to remove oil stains from ostrich leather you can try talcum powder. Basically you will apply a fairly generous amount of talcum powder directly onto the stain and leave it for about 30 minutes. The talcum powder will help in absorbing the oil and shouldn’t cause any harm to the leather. After letting it sit you can then gently brush off the talcum powder and evaluate your results. For more persistent stains, you may need to repeat the process more than once.

Ink Stains

Ink stains are tough and can be particularly tricky to remove from ostrich leather. You can try dampening a soft cloth with either rubbing alcohol or a gentle acetone-free nail polish remover. From there carefully dab the stain with the cloth while being cautious not to spread the stain any further. Be sure to avoid rubbing the stain, as this can make the problem even worse. Once you see the ink stain start to lift, you can wipe the area with a clean, dry cloth and allow it to air dry.

Another alternative you can try for ink stains is to mix 1 part olive oil with 1 part white vinegar and then use a soft cloth to gently dab the mixture onto the ink stain. Let this sit for a few minutes and then wipe off with a clean, lightly damp cloth.

Salt Stains

Salt stains can come about from exposure to either snow or saltwater. Exposure to salt can and will cause ostrich leather to dry out and could crack if not cleaned promptly. In order to remove salt stains from your ostrich leather, you’ll want to create a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. Using a soft cloth, you’ll gently apply the solution to the affected areas, being very careful not to saturate the leather. After the salt stains have been removed you can wipe down the area with a clean, lightly damp cloth to remove any remaining solution. Allow the ostrich leather to completely air dry before conditioning or storing it.

Conditioning After Cleaning

It’s a mission critical step to condition your ostrich boots after cleaning them if you want  to maintain their quality and appearance. This applies regardless of which cleaning method is used as all of them will remove some of the natural oils from the leather.

A good conditioning will not only enhance the look of the leather but also will help to restore its natural oils and help prevent cracking or fading.

When choosing a conditioner make sure to look for a good quality option from a well known brand. To apply conditioner use a soft cloth or sponge and gently rub it onto the leather surface.  You should allow the conditioner to absorb into the leather for a whole before buffing it gently with a soft cloth. This simple process will help to bring out the natural shine of the leather while also removing any excess conditioner left on the leather.

As with cleaning products it’s always safest to perform a color test on a small, inconspicuous area of your ostrich leather item before applying it to the entire surface.

Proper Drying and Storage

To sum it up, as it relates to drying and storage of ostrich leather boots, always use a soft cloth (microfiber cloth works well) to remove stains and excess moisture. Allow items to air dry naturally- away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Lastly, you want to store your ostrich leather goods in a cool, dry environment.

Additional Care Tips

Ideal Cleaning Schedule for Ostrich Leather

To keep your ostrich leather in tip top shape you’ll want to follow an appropriate cleaning schedule. A good practice to get in the habit of is to give your ostrich leather items a light cleaning after each use by using a clean cloth and horsehair brush to remove any dust and dirt.

Less frequently, but once every 3 to 6 months you’ll want to give them a good conditioning. More often if they get rain or snow as water exposure isn’t ideal for ostrich leather.

You’ll want to take care of any stains or spills as soon as possible. It is much easier to try to remove them before they have time to really set into the leather.

Follow the tips in this article to remove stains from ostrich leather and develop a consistent cleaning schedule and you can ensure that your ostrich leather remains beautiful and durable for many years to come.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

Can You Wear Ostrich Boots in the Rain? It’s Best Not To Do It Sun, 25 Jun 2023 01:51:19 +0000 Read More]]>  

Can You Wear Ostrich Boots in the Rain? The Top Reasons Rain Will Mess Up Your Ostrich Boots

Ostrich boots are one of the most popular leather choices for cowboy boots. They are sought after for their unique appearance and comfort combined with good durability. However, what about adverse weather conditions and can you wear ostrich boots in the rain? To answer the question will rain mess up ostrich boots, we need to take a closer look at how ostrich leather reacts to water and if so, what the is the right care regimen to maintain their appearance.

First up, to get it out there – while ostrich leather is water-resistant, it is not completely waterproof. If you have extended exposure of your ostrich boots to rain that leads to water soaking through the material this can potentially cause damage. Over time, you could get cracks or discoloration and your boots could shrink or stretch. If you want your ostrich boots to remain in top condition then you must properly dry and store them after getting them wet and you may have to consider alternative leather choices on those particularly rainy days.

Key Takeaways

  • Ostrich leather is water-resistant but not fully waterproof
  • Proper drying and storage are crucial after rain exposure
  • Consider alternative footwear for heavy rain situations

can i wear ostrich boots in the rain?

The Nature of Ostrich Leather Boots

Characteristics and Durability

Ostrich leather is a well regarded exotic leather for boots that is known for its distinctive appearance and luxurious texture. Its natural oil content in the leather contributes to making ostrich boots soft, supple, and more resistant to drying out compared some of the other leathers.

Can You Wear Ostrich Boots in the Rain or Not?

Because of its natural features ostrich leather does have some resistance to moisture due to its oil content. Even so, it’s still best practice to avoid exposing your boots to excessive moisture or overly wet conditions. Repeatedly wearing your ostrich boots in the rain or getting them soaked can potentially damage the leather by causing it to crack or stretch.

With that being said, if you do happen to get caught in a light rain shower outside it will probably be ok. Just make sure to dry your boots thoroughly once you’re indoors and condition them with a leather conditioner.

what does rain do to ostrich leather boots?

Rain Concerns for Ostrich Boots

What will water do to ostrich leather

If you get caught out when wearing ostrich boots and it starts to rain, you may notice that the leather absorbs water quicker than expected. This is because ostrich leather is somewhat water-resistant, but not waterproof. Heavy downpours or standing water will eventually soak through the and make your feet wet. You must keep in mind that excess exposure to rain and water will affect your ostrich boots’ longevity and appearance.

Potential Damage and Stains

Any substantial exposure to rain, wet surfaces, or muddy conditions can definitely lead to water stains due to drying or absorption of the liquids. These stains can be hard to get out, but it can be done with proper cleaning and conditioning.

If you do notice water stains on your ostrich leather boots, it’s best to act fast to remedy the situation. Start off by gently rubbing the stained area with a slightly damp cotton cloth to even out the water marks. Next, pat the area dry with a clean cloth, then you can follow up by rubbing a mild wax polish onto the leather. This will help restore the boot’s original shine and provide an extra layer of protection against moisture. Follow all this up with a good conditioning.

Can I wear my ostrich boots in the rain?

Preventing Water Damage to Ostrich Leather after Getting Wet

To keep your ostrich boots in top condition, follow these steps after exposure to rain or excessive water:

  • Prevention is the best cure! Avoid walking through deep puddles or exposing your boots to excessive water wherever possible.
  • If you do have exposure to rain or mud, first use a damp cloth to remove dust and debris using gentle motions. Refrain from using a soaking wet cloth, dish soaps, or harsh detergent.
  • You should always regularly condition your boots to maintain their water resistance, but it is of extra importance after any heavy water exposure..
  • After you have applied conditioner and it has dried buff the boots with a horsehair brush to give them a more clean and polished look.

can you wear ostrich boots in the rain?

Drying and Storage Methods

Drying Wet Ostrich Leather Boots

Ok, so if you did get your ostrich leather boots wet in the rain, let’s make sure you know how to dry them properly to maintain their durability and appearance. Things to avoid – using a hair dryer or exposing them to direct sunlight – these can cause the leather to become brittle and crack. You are going to want to air dry your boots. If you want, you can stuff your boots with some newspaper or paper towels to help draw out the moisture and maintain shape. Don’t force it in and make it stretch the boots. And be sure to replace the paper as needed until your boots are completely dry.

While in the drying process you will want to make sure your boots are in a well-ventilated area. This will help to avoid any potential mold or mildew issues. Patience is key here as proper drying can take a day or two.

Proper Storage Practices After Rain Exposure

Storing your ostrich leather boots appropriately is always important, but even more so when drying out so you can focus on maintaining their shape. You can use boot trees to help your boots retain their shape and prevent creasing when they are near dry, but not fully there yet.

wearing ostrich boots in the rain

FAQs for “Can You Wear Ostrich Boots in the Rain?”

Can you wear ostrich boots in the rain?

It is not advised to do so. Prolonged exposure to water can damage the leather and lead to permanent stains.

Can I wear my ostrich boots in the rain if it will just be a small shower?

Ok, If it looks like it will be just a light drizzle and you’re also not planning on being out in the rain for very long, I guess you could potentially wear your ostrich boots. It is up to you to weigh that risk.

Will rain mess up ostrich boots?

Yes, exposure to rain and excess water can cause damage to ostrich boots. Ostrich leather is not waterproof, and consistent exposure to rain can result in water spots, stains, and cracking.

What happens if my ostrich boots get wet in the rain?

If your ostrich boots get wet in the rain even after trying to avoid it then take appropriate steps to recover. First, wipe off any water as soon as possible using a dry cloth. After that, let them air dry on their own away from any heat sources. After they’re completely dry, you should apply a leather conditioner.

Can I waterproof my ostrich boots so that I can wear them in the rain?

While you can use water-repellent sprays or conditioners to add an extra level of water resistance to your boots remember that these treatments are not necessarily 100% effective, and excessive water exposure can still cause them damage.

Are there any rain-friendly alternatives to ostrich boots?

If you’re looking for rain-friendly boots you will probably have to steer clear of most exotic leathers and look at rain boots made from synthetic materials or rubber.

Ok, no rain, but can I wear ostrich boots in the snow?

Similarly to rain exposure, it’s our recommendation that you should avoid wearing your ostrich boots in the snow. The moisture from the snow can seep into the leather much like water or rain and cause similar issues.

Can I repair water-damaged ostrich boots?

Mild or early stage water damage can usually be reversed with normal and proper cleaning and conditioning treatments. Excessive or repeated exposure that leads to more severe damage like cracking or deep staining may not be repairable, but you would need to consult a professional cobbler for these more severe cases to get a verdict.

Ok, I get it, but I am going to do it anyway. How long will ostrich boots last if frequently worn in the rain?

Bad news for you – more frequent exposure to rain will significantly shorten the lifespan of your ostrich skin boots. While no one can give you the exact time frame as it will vary based on several factors, the negative impact will show up in time.

will rain mess up ostrich boots?

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

How to Tighten Cowboy Boots Around Calf: 12 Best Tips You Need To Know Tue, 20 Jun 2023 03:06:57 +0000 Read More]]> How to Tighten Cowboy Boots Around Calf: What You Need to Know

Finding the perfect fit in the calf area in cowboy boots can sometimes be a challenge. It doesn’t matter whether you just purchased your first pair or are trying to make an adjustment an old favorite pair – knowing some of the tips for how to tighten cowboy boots around calf will help you get the fit you need.

So, what is the proper fit for cowboy boots and how tight should they be around the calf? A well-fitted pair of cowboy boots should have a snug fit around the calf without causing you any discomfort. There is nothing wrong with a bit of looseness there, as long as it doesn’t cause you discomfort or cause the boot fit to be off. Another big concern is if the boot shaft prints in your jeans because the boot shaft needs to be tightened.

The good news is that there are multiple good techniques out there that can help in tightening your cowboy boots around your calf. These include such tricks as wearing thicker socks, wearing more than one pair of socks, wrapping a belt around them, tying a shoelace around them, wrapping a velcro strap around them, buying a specialty piece of gear like a boot snake, heating or soaking them, or even having your boots altered by a cobbler.

You should also be aware of the different factors that can affect the fit, such as leather types, stretching, and shrinking, to make an informed choice when selecting cowboy boots that will fit your calf perfectly.

can you make boots tighter around calf

Key Takeaways

  • You can tighten your cowboy boots around your calf.
  • There are multiple ways to do this which we will cover below.

Understanding Calf Fit for Cowboy Boots

So, should boots be loose around the calf or not? Knowing the right way cowboy boots should fit around the calf is the first piece to understand here.

Calf Size and Boot Shaft Measurements

When you are considering cowboy boot fit you will want to make sure to not only consider the size and width of the boot, but also your calf size. Boots with a smaller cutout area near the top of the shaft will have less room for flexibility for those with large calves while larger cutout areas will have more. If you have trouble finding boots that aren’t tight on your calves looking for boots with a larger cutout here is a good place to start.

You will take a measure of your calf circumference to see if a boot is a good fit. In order to best measure your calf size let’s start by wrapping a measuring tape around the widest part of your calf. After that, measure the circumference of the boot shaft – which is the part that goes around your calf. If you are doing this online, then you can usually find this measurement by checking the product description. If in person, then don’t hesitate to measure it yourself and take your measuring tape into the boot store. When doing this use your measuring tape to measure the distance around the inside of the boot shaft at its widest point.

Try to find a cowboy boot with a shaft circumference that is a close match for your calf size. This will ensure a snug and comfortable fit when you put on your cowboy boots. But don’t worry if you have trouble finding a great fit. We still have some tips for you to tighten your cowboy boots around your calf.

can you make the calf of a boot smaller

Common Fitting Issues

In fact, having a loose fit around the calf is one of the most common fitting issues that you may face when wearing cowboy boots. This happens when the boot shaft is too wide for your calf size, If you find that your cowboy boots are loose around your calf and needs to be tightened there are a few methods you can try to make them tighter.

Cowboy Boots Printing in Jeans due to Loose Fit Around Calf

One of the things that our tightening techniques below aim to avoid is excessive printing, which is when the shaft of the boot is clearly seen making an impression on the jeans. This can happen when the shaft is too loose on the calf or when the jeans are too tight in the ankle and calf area.

So, if all else fails and the boot is loose around the calf, can you make boots tighter around calf? Fortunately you can. The next section reviews some of the tips for doing so.

how to make boots tighter around calf

Tightening Techniques for Cowboy Boots – How to Make Cowboy Boots Fit Tighter Around Calf Area Specifically

Using Thicker Socks, Boot Cuffs, and Leg Warmers

One of the first things to try that is relatively simple to make your cowboy boots fit snug around your calf is to try out thicker socks. The additional thickness can help create a tighter fit around your leg. You can also use boot cuffs or leg warmers, which have the added benefit of not only keeping your boots tighter around your calf, but can also help keep your legs cozy.

Wearing Double Pairs of Socks

In addition to thicker socks you can also try doubling up on socks. This will also create additional thickness between your calf and your boots and help create a tighter fit.

Adding Leather Straps, Belts, or Velcro Cinch Straps

Another good, easy option for a tight fit around your calf is to use either leather straps, belts, or Velcro cinch straps wrapped around the shaft of your boot that goes around your calf. Wrap the strap or belt over your boot shaft, and secure at your desired tightness. The benefit of this method is it allows you to have more control over how tight or loose cowboy boots’ fit according to your calf’s size.

Another approach when using a belt is to wrap the belt around your calf before putting on the boots to provide a tighter fit when the boots are slipped on. Keep in mind that this method may not work for everyone, and its comfort will vary depending on the thickness and width of the belt you use.

Cut Out an Old Sock

A homemade approach is to take an old pair of socks and cut it so that you are only left with the upper tube of the sock and not the foot part. If you slide this upper part of the sock down over the shaft of the boot it will pull them inward towards your calf.

Use a Boot Snake to Tighten Your Cowboy Boots Around Your Calf

The BootSnake is specially made just for this problem. A cinch wrap that goes around the shaft of your boot to make sure of a tight fight in the calf and to avoid printing. This will be a great way to ensure you get what you are looking for.

how to make cowboy boots fit tighter around calf

How to Make Boots Tighter Around Calf by Shrinking and Stretching Them

Using Heat to Shrink Boots

Another way to focus on getting a good fit if you want to shrink your cowboy boots around the calf, is to use heat. Heat can shrink leather and in most cases wants to be avoided. However, if trying to shrink them it works in your favor.

Take a hair dryer and carefully apply heat to the area you want to shrink while also avoiding overheating or burning the leather. You will want to make sure the boots are dry and free from dust or dirt beforehand. Once you have the leather warm and pliable try some of your tips – wear your thick socks and put the boots on, wrap them with your boot snake, or tie them with laces. After doing so allow them to cool and see if they mold to your preferred shape.

This approach is to be used with caution – remember to avoid excessive heat as it may damage the leather. I would probably not recommend trying this method unless all other approaches have failed you.

Wet Method for Shrinking Boots

In somewhat the opposite from heat, but not entirely, is the water method. You can shrink cowboy boots using water. Typically, you want to avoid this, but in this case you are trying to shrink them.

First up, fill a basin or your bathtub with warm water and submerge the boots up to the point you want to shrink. Take them out after a short dip – think seconds, not minute – to avoid over-soaking the leather. After that try some of your tricks again – wear your thick socks, use straps or laces, etc. – and put the boots on. Allow them to dry naturally around your calves. As the leather dries, it should shrink and conform some more to your natural leg shape.

This is another method to be used with caution and can damage your boots if not careful. Only use at your risk and if nothing else works for you.

how to tighten cowboy boots around calf

Choosing the Right Style Cowboy Boots for Your Calf

There are numerous styles and cuts of cowboy boots and each will have different characteristics for how they fit your calf. The cutout, if any, at the top of the shaft and the height of the shaft can have a large part in the right fit.

Cutout at top of shaft

The cutout in the top of the shaft and how deep or shallow it is will impact how loose or tight a cowboy boot may fit on your calf.

Height of Shaft

If you struggle with finding boots that fit your calf well then ropers which are shorter boots may be an option to consider. As they don’t go up as high as standard cowboy boots they don’t impinge as much on your calf.

FAQ’s around Tightening Cowboy Boots Around Your Calf

How can I tighten cowboy boots around my calf?

You can tighten your cowboy boots around your calf by wearing thicker socks, wearing two pairs of socks, using a belt, shoelaces, boot straps, boot cuffs, or a boot snake. There are multiple options to try.

How can I make my boots tighter around the calf using household items?

If you are pressed for time or money you can try cutting an old sock and using the upper tube area over the boot shaft to compress it more to your calf.

Is it ok if my cowboy boots are loose around the calf?

With a good fit, cowboy boots should fit snugly around the calf while still being comfortable. They shouldn’t be so tight that they’re uncomfortable or restrict circulation, but they also shouldn’t be so loose that your feet slide around inside them.

What’s the purpose of boot straps, and are they a good idea to help tighten cowboy boots against my calf?

Boot straps wrap around the outside of your boot and will pull them tighter against your calf. Yes, they can be a quick and relatively simple way to make cowboy boots fit tighter.

Is there a specific type of sock that can help make my cowboy boots fit tighter around the calf?

In general it is more the size than the type as you want a thick sock to help fill out your boots and make them fit tighter around the calf. I am personally a big fan of Darn Tough socks.

Are there any risks involved in trying to tighten cowboy boots around my calf?

It is possible that some of the DIY methods could damage your boots. Over-tightening could also make the boots uncomfortable or even restrict your circulation. When DIYing make sure to aim for a snug, comfortable fit rather than making them too tight.

What should I consider before getting my cowboy boots professionally altered to fit tighter around the calf?

You will want to consider the cost of a professional cobbler. Some professional alterations can be expensive. Also, many alterations are irreversible so make sure you want to go through with it.

Can all types of cowboy boots be made tighter around the calf?

In general, yes, almost all types of cowboy boots can be made to fit tighter around the calf. Boots made of very rigid materials, or that have heavy decorations, may be more difficult.

If my cowboy boots don’t fit tightly around the calf, does it mean they’re too big?

No, it doesn’t necessarily mean that. Most cowboy boots have to be designed for the general population and aim to fit a variety of calf sizes. Some people naturally have narrower or larger calves. If the foot part of your boot fits well but just the calf area is too loose, using one of the methods mentioned above may work well for you.

How can I measure my calf to ensure a perfect cowboy boot fit?

To measure your calf for boot fit – first, sit down with your foot flat on the floor and your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Measure the widest part of your calf.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

“My Dog Chewed My Cowboy Boots!”: Can Chewed Up Boots be Repaired? Yes! How to Have A Cobbler Fix Chewed Leather Boots Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:10:44 +0000 Read More]]> “Oh No! My Dog Chewed on My Cowboy Boots!” Can They Be Fixed?

It is a painful sight – we come home from work and our favorite cowboy boots have been chewed to pieces by our best friend! No, not your human best friend 😊 Your friendly pupper has gone to town and destroyed your boots with chewing. Around the time you snap a picture and shout to your friends – “my dog ate my cowboy boots!” you probably start wondering what to do next. If you find yourself wondering what to do when you find out my dog chewed my cowboy boots then you have arrived at the right place.

I mean look at these boots posted by a user that his dog got a hold of – that was a sore sight to come home to I am sure!

Any hope in reparing these?
by u/hmarty4 in cowboyboots

At this point you are starting to wonder can chewed up shoes be repaired and if so can a cobbler fix chewed leather? Where to start? In this handy guide we will talk about the options for steps to repair and prevent this in the future.

My Dog Ate My Cowboy Boots – What Next?

First things first, remind yourself that your little buddy didn’t mean to hurt you and don’t take it out on them. We love our boots, but we also love our doggos!

my dog chewed my cowboy boots
Surely this cute little guy wouldn’t chew up those cowboy boots right?

The Strange Bond Between Dogs and Boots

Understanding the Appeal: Why Do Dogs Love to Chew on Boots?

What is it about your cowboy boots that makes our canine friends find them so appealing? Dogs have a  sense of smell that is far superior to humans and they get a lot of info through their nose. And boy, do your cowboy boots hold quite the medley of scents – the leather smell, your sweat, traces of the places you’ve been and walked – all these factors are going to contribute to a scent profile that dogs can find irresistible.

Moving beyond just the smell factor we all know that many dogs are born natural chewers – especially when young. Chewing on things is part of how they explore their world, relieve stress and/or boredom, or entertain themselves. Yes, it could be that your dog is bored is why they chewed up your boots. With a tough, satisfying texture to gnaw away at, the texture of the cowboy boot leather can be an appealing chew toy to a curious pup.

how do you fix chewed leather boots
Better keep a close eye on this one. Looks like he is moving in on those boots!

Initial Damage Control

Step 1 – When you discover the unfortunate scene of the potential demise of your boots – let’s ensure the safety of our dog. Your dog could have swallowed bits of leather and you will want to monitor for any unusual behavior or health changes such as signs of discomfort, vomiting, loss of appetite, or changes in bowel movements. If you notice anything out of the ordinary then contact your vet immediately for further guidance.

As for taking care of the damaged boots, gather up all of the loose pieces you can find. If you decide to try to repair them any bits and pieces can help.

Take a look at this post from someone about a chewed up pair of alligator boots. That is one expensive looking pair of boots. I am sure their heart sunk at first. However, you will see that all was not lost.

Friendly reminder to not leave your boots where your dogs can get them
by u/Heavy_Ad_4430 in cowboyboots

Can a Cobbler Fix Chewed Leather?

The short answer is yes. A skilled cobbler can work wonders on your chewed-up leather cowboy boots. An experienced cobbler can patch bite holes, replace any chewed out sections, and fix teeth marks.

Check out the follow up post here where the same person shows the boots in a repaired condition. Definitely some skilled work going on there.

Update on those chewed up American Alligators I posted a few weeks back
by u/Heavy_Ad_4430 in cowboyboots

How Do You Fix Chewed Leather Boots?

An experienced, professional cobbler will have years of experience in their craft with various tricks up their sleeve to repair your chewed up boots. To start off the are going to have to give you a good overall assessment – are you looking at some surface gnawing or is there deeper damage to the leather. Depending on this they can use a mixture of leather patches, adhesives, and replacement parts to restore their condition.

The details of the boot repair process for a gnawed on a pair will depend largely on the breadth and extent of the overall damage. If you are lucky enough to escape with minor scratches, these can usually be smoothed out and reconditioned to bring it back to a normal state.

If it went a little deeper and there are more punctures or torn sections, you may have to move up to using leather patches and/or adhesives to bind and seal up the damaged areas. The focus here will be to get a good color match and texture match to make the repair as invisible to the eye as possible.

If you are unfortunate enough to have major damage you might have to replace complete sections of your boot. This process is more involved and involves cutting completely new pieces of leather and then hand stitching them in place – a much more labor-intensive process, but one that can bring new life to your boots.

It probably goes without saying, but the more exotic, colorful, or elaborate the design of your cowboy boot the more difficult it will be for a cobbler to repair the chewing damage.

Bottom line – the answer to “How to fix dog-chewed leather boots?” is that your local cobbler can do quite a lot to bring them back to good health.

how to fix dog chewed leather boots
Such a sweet face. Would he really chew on your boots?

Prevention: How to Keep Your Boots Safe From Future Canine Attacks

Ok, what now? In the aftermath of a chewed up boot incident how do you avoid it from happening again? Here are some of our tips to keep this from happening:

  1. Store your cowboy boots high and out of reach: Keep your boots in your closet or put them on a high shelf or dresser where your dog can’t reach them to use them as a chew toy.
  2. Put them behind closed doors: Always close the room off if you are going to leave them on the floor or on a boot rack on the floor. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. Always close your closet or bedroom door if you aren’t in the room and keep them away from your boots.
  3. Provide them chew toys to play with: If your dog has other dog-friendly chew toys they can play with this can keep them from taking an interest in chewing your boots.
  4. Use deterrent sprays: This would be a last resort suggestion with a persistent chewer. There are sprays that emit a smell that dogs don’t like. If you put a few spritzes on your boots it could keep your pet away and stop them from chewing. The concern here is does that either damage the boot coloration or does it make the boot smell bad to a human.
my dog ate my cowboy boots
He looks so sweet and cuddly, but he is a bit close to those boots for my taste!

Wrapping it all up

Let’s all admit it, the idea of coming home to the beginning of a “My dog chewed my cowboy boots!” story isn’t what any of us want to end the day. However, if it does happen, remember that your boots can most likely be repaired and by taking some easy preventive measures you can also take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again. And if it does happen you will  know to engage your local cobbler for repair options. I have been fortunate that my dogs have always stayed away from my boots, but there is always a first time for everything!

FAQ’s for Dog Chewed Up Boots

Can a cobbler fix all different types of chewed up leather cowboy boots?

Yes, a good cobbler should be able to fix you right up with almost all types of chewed up leather boots. They can be too far gone, but most damage can be repaired.

Can I repair my chewed up cowboy boots myself?

While it is possible for minor surface damage to be taken care of at home with some conditioner or cleaner for most major damage you are going to need a professional cobbler’s attention. This article on mink oil alternatives has some good cowboy boot conditioning recommendations.

What can I do to keep my dog from chewing on my cowboy boots?

The best methods are to keep them stored up high out of reach or to keep them behind closed doors. Making sure there are dog friendly chew toys for your pet to play with can also turn their attention to something else other than your boots.

My dog has a consistent habit of trying to chew on my boots – What can I do to break this bad habit?

Most dogs do best with consistent training and continuous reinforcement. Be sure to provide alternative chew toys and redirect their attention as steps to help break the habit. Consulting with a dog trainer for advice or a few training sessions can also work wonders with most dogs in need of behavior tweaks.

How to Fix Dog Chewed Leather Boots?

Taking your boots to a professional cobbler for repair is the most straightforward answer for almost all repairs that go beyond some simple touchup or recondition work that you can do at home.

How much can I expect to have to pay to get a professional cobbler to repair the cowboy boots my dog chewed up?

The true answer is that the cost of repairs your boots will need can and will vary widely – it will depend on the extent of the damage, the skin of your boot, the going rates of the particular cobbler you choose, and other factors. That being said you can expect to see a range anywhere from under $100 for more minor fixes up to a few hundred dollars or more for more complicated repairs.

can a cobbler fix chewed leather
Cute pupper

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

Bickmore Exotic vs Bick 4: Ultimate Leather Care Comparison Sun, 11 Jun 2023 20:15:03 +0000 Read More]]> Bickmore Exotic vs Bick 4: Which One Should You Use on Your Cowboy Boots?

Bickmore is a well known name in leather care products. They will almost always come up when discussing how to care for your cowboy boots. One question that comes up with some frequency is that is the difference between Bickmore Bick 4 and Bickmore Exotic? So, what exactly is up with Bickmore Exotic vs Bick 4? Both of these products are good and work well on different types of leather, but the question is are they any different?

Bick 4 is sold as a product that is designed to condition your standard finished and smooth leathers without darkening them. This product is sold for boots are made from traditional cowhide and similar leathers.

In comparison, Bickmore Exotic is sold as a product for conditioning your exotic boots leather skins, such as alligator, crocodile, caiman, snake, lizard, ostrich, and elephant. The product can deeply penetrate into the pores of these unique leathers, moisturizing and rejuvenating old materials while also protecting new ones.

Bickmore Exotic vs Bick 4: Basic Differences


The purpose of these two products is pretty straightforward. Bickmore Exotic is specifically designed for conditioning exotic leathers, such as alligator, crocodile, caiman, snake, lizard, ostrich, and elephant. Bick 4 is intended for finished/smooth leathers. Both products will condition your leathers without darkening them.

Bick 4 vs Bickmore Exotic Ingredients
Bick 4 vs Bickmore Exotic Ingredients


Trying to determine the ingredient differences, if any, between these two products is interesting. If you go to the website for these products and look at their ingredient lists published under the CA right not know you will see the ingredients are the same. It is unclear when reading if there are different mixes of the ingredients, or if the trade secret leather lotion blend is any different, but it seems they are very similar products.

One thing is clear – both Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4 are good products and Bickmore believes there are some differences tailored to each product.

Spray application

One of the differences you will see as a user of the product is that the exotic blend comes in a spray bottle and #4 does not but is instead directly applied. In my experience this makes the exotic blend a bit easier to apply and use in conditioning my exotic cowboy boots. The Exotic blend seems to be a little more runny for lack of a better word while the #4 can be a bit more viscous.

I have used both Bick 4 on my exotic cowboy boots and Bickmore Exotic on my standard leathers without seeing any issues. However, your mileage may vary and you should always test any product in a small unseen spot of the boot prior to using on the full boot. Other things to think about could include that something like a full-quill ostrich leather vs smooth ostrich leather could be treated with Bick 4 instead of Bickmore Exotic, as it doesn’t have quite as many nooks and crannies as other exotics.

For example, some of the scaled exotic leathers like caiman, alligator, or even ostrich leg may benefit more from the use of Bickmore Exotic as the spray application may make it easier to apply.

Product Applications

How to use Bick 4 and Bickmore Exotic
How to use Bick 4 and Bickmore Exotic

Exotic Leather Care

When you are ready to condition your exotic cowboy boots then grab your Bickmore Exotic and follow along.

  1. Ensure your leather is clean and dry.
  2. Clean your boots with a soft cloth or horsehair brush designed for the purpose
  3. Shake the bottle well.
  4. Test for colorfastness in a hidden spot of the leather before using.
  5. Spray your leather item liberally, while using a cloth to wipe off excess product.
  6. Allow the item to dry and then buff it with a cloth or brush.
  7. Repeat the process as necessary for optimal results.

Common Leather Care

When you are ready to condition your standard leather cowboy boots grab your Bick 4 and follow along.

  1. Ensure your leather is clean and dry.
  2. Clean your boots with a soft cloth or horsehair brush designed for the purpose
  3. Shake the bottle well.
  4. Test for colorfastness in a hidden spot of the leather before using.
  5. Apply the product with a clean cloth, using gentle, circular motions.
  6. Let the product absorb into the leather and dry.
  7. Gently buff your leather item with a separate clean, dry cloth.
  8. Repeat the process as necessary for optimal results.

Precautions and Usage Tips

Test a Small Area First

A key part of using any product, not just these is to keep test a small area first. You should always test a small and more inconspicuous area of your cowboy boot – perhaps the upper shaft for example – before applying the product to the entire boot. This way you can make sure to stop further use in case of any unwanted reactions.

Generally both of the Bickmore products are great in this area, but there is no harm in a small check. Go ahead and apply a small amount of either Bickmore Exotic or Bick 4 to the inconspicuous area and observe the leather’s response for any changes in coloration or texture. If there are no adverse reactions, go aheand and proceed with the application to the entire boot.

TL;DR and Conclusion

The key takeaway for me with these products is that they are both among the top products for conditioning your cowboy boots – whether exotic or standard leather. Both products condition leathers without darkening them. Looking at the ingredient list they have very similar ingredients, but they do have a different viscosity out of the bottle with Bick #4 being thicker than the Exotic blend.

Bickmore Exotic comes in a spray bottle while Bick #4 does not. And in this author’s personal experience you can use them both on the other type of leather without negative impacts. However, as mentioned above, do your own test prior to use.

I like using Bickmore Exotic because the spray bottle makes application easier, but everyone will have a different opinion on that.

Bick 4 vs Bickmore Exotic
Which one to Choose? Bickmore Exotic or Bick #4?

FAQ’s on Bickmore Exotic vs Bick 4

What are the primary differences between Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4?

Bickmore Exotic is specifically designed to condition exotic leathers. Bick 4 is a more general-purpose leather conditioner for standard leathers.

Is Bickmore Exotic specifically designed for exotic leathers? If so, what kinds?

Yes, Bickmore Exotic is specially formulated for exotic leathers, including but not limited to snake, ostrich, lizard, alligator, and eel.

Is Bick 4 suitable for all types of leather, or are there certain types it should not be used on?

Bick 4 is an all-around leather conditioner and can be used on pretty much all smooth and finished leather products. However, as mentioned in the article above, it’s always a good idea to test any product on a small, hidden area before applying it fully.

Are there different steps or procedures to apply Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4?

The application process for these two products is pretty similar. After ensuring the leather is clean and dry, apply the product, let dry, then buff.

How often should each product be applied to maintain optimal condition of the leather?

The amount of conditioning needed will depend on how frequently you wear your boots and in what conditions. For higher use items, applying conditioner once a month is generally sufficient. For lower frequency items, conditioning every 3-6 months can suffice. Keep an eye on your boots and look for signs of dryness, wear, or cracking to help you gauge.

Can either Bickmore Exotic or Bick 4 darken or change the color of the leather?

Both Bick 4 and Bickmore Exotic are generally known for their non-darkening formula. It is always recommended to test on a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure on any particular boot prior to use.

What are the main ingredients in Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4? Are they safe for regular use?

The exact formulations of Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4 are proprietary to the company, but they’re designed to be safe for regular use on the appropriate types of leather. As with any product, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. You can see more information on the manufacturer’s website.

Is one product more effective than the other at protecting against water damage or other environmental factors?

Both products provide some level of protection against the elements, but neither is specifically a water proofing agent or similar.

Can either Bickmore Exotic or Bick 4 help to repair already damaged or aged leather?

While these products can certainly improve the appearance and feel of worn leather, they are primarily preventative care items. They can prevent further deterioration but aren’t designed to repair severe damage like deep cracks or tears. You can see that a very dry pair of boots will show an enhanced aesthetic after use.

Where can Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4 be purchased, and is there a significant price difference between them?

Both Bickmore Exotic and Bick 4 can each be purchased through various online retailers like Amazon, or in physical stores that sell leather care products such as your local Boot Barn. The price can vary based on the retailer, but in general, Bickmore Exotic is usually slightly more expensive.

Can Bickmore Exotic be Used on Regular Leather Boots?

Yes, Bickmore Exotic can technically be used on regular leather boots, but it’s important to note here that it’s specifically formulated by Bickmore for exotic leathers. While it won’t harm regular leather, it may be more beneficial to use a product specifically designed for that type of leather, like Bick 4.

Can Bick 4 be Used on Exotic Boots?

Bick 4 is a versatile leather conditioner and can be used on a variety of leathers, including exotic leathers. However, you should note that some exotic leathers may require specific care. You may want to play it safe and use a conditioner designed specifically for exotic leathers, such as Bickmore Exotic, to provide optimal care and protection.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:

Mink Oil Alternative: The 2 Best Options That Won’t Darken Your Leather Boots Wed, 07 Jun 2023 04:19:33 +0000 Read More]]> Mink Oil Alternative (or how not to darken your leather boots)

If you have heard that mink oil may darken your boot’s leather and are looking for a mink oil alternative, then this article is for you. Mink oil is commonly mentioned as an option for maintaining and conditioning your leather goods, but if you are looking to maintain the existing color of your leather you may want to consider alternative options to mink oil as it is known to darken leather.

There are a variety of alternatives to mink oil that are available. We will help you understand the other options to help you choose the best one for your leather care requirements.

It’s important to understand the effects and benefits of different conditioning agents to help you choose. Alternatively, the reason some of you may be looking for an alternative is to find one that is not derived from an animal product which will be more important for you.

A few commonly suggested alternatives to mink oil you may see around the internet would include olive oil and coconut oil – these would be considered vegan leather oils. Other options like neatsfoot oil and beeswax are also natural oils but would not be vegan.

Other more standard leather conditioning products like Lexol or Bick 4 would also be up for consideration. Each of these mink oil alternatives has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages in terms of conditioning, protection, color impact, and waterproofing.

Here we will discuss pros and cons, potential drawbacks, and other factors to consider for each of the mink oil alternatives you may be choosing from. We hope that these insights into the different products will help you to make an informed choice for what to use on your leather boots.

Understanding Mink Oil

Properties of Mink Oil

Mink oil itself is derived from the fat of the American mink, a semi-aquatic North American mammal. One of the key properties of mink oil is its high emollient ability – this means it is good at moisturizing and penetrating. This feature can give it an edge in many cosmetic, personal care, and leather product applications where deep conditioning and hydration is required.

Drawbacks of Mink Oil

While mink oil can be used on leather there are some drawbacks to consider:

  • Ethical concerns: Mink oil is derived from an animal, making it non-vegan and potentially raising ethical concerns for some users.
  • Darkening leather: Mink oil can lead to excessive darkening of the material.
Mink Oil Alternative
Mink Oil Alternatives for Leather Care

 Mink Oil Alternatives for Leather Care

In my opinion, the largest downside to using mink oil on your leather products, including cowboy boots, is its potential darkening effect. Generally, you want your boots to keep the color they were when you bought them.  Below we will review a few of the mink oil alternatives.

Neatsfoot Oil

Neatsfoot oil is derived from the shin and feet bones of cattle. It is one of the alternatives to mink oil and can aid in conditioning and preserving leather. However, neatsfoot oil can have the same problems with darkening leather as mink oil and may not be the best choice.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is sometimes recommended as an alternative to mink oil. It can be used, but is not as recommended as other options on the list.

Olive Oil

We have seen olive oil recommended as another option to mink oil. We would not recommend using olive oil to condition your leather as compared to better options.


While beeswax is still not preferable to the final two conditioner choices it is probably better than the ones we have looked at so far. Beeswax will have a superior waterproofing ability compared to others on the list here and has less propensity to darken leather, but still doesn’t have the conditioning properties of either Lexol or Bick 4.


Lexol leather conditioner is a good product and comes with many strong recommendations. This would be one of the top two choices to use on your leather cowboy boots in my opinion. It conditions well and generally will not darken leather (always test a small section prior to use).

Bick 4

Bick 4 (and Bickmore Exotic) are two of the best products for conditioning your cowboy boots in my opinion and would be the top choice for me. This is what I generally use, but I wouldn’t be opposed to using Lexol which is also a good product. Unless you are looking to darken your leather color then you may want to consider mink or neatsfoot oil.

Alternatives to Mink Oil
Alternatives to Mink Oil for your Cowboy Boots

How to Select the Right Mink Oil Alternative for Leather Care

It may come down to what is most important to you to help you choose the right alternative to mink oil. Why you are looking for an alternative is an important factor.


Before choosing an alternative to mink oil, identify what is most important to you:

  • Conditioning and maintaining color – If your primary goal is to condition and maintain the suppleness of your leather items while not darkening them then consider items like Bick 4 or Lexol conditioner.
  • Waterproofing – If added protection against water is more important then you can look into products more focused on beeswax such as Obenauf’s.
  • Vegan-friendly – If your key focus is on ethical sourcing of a non-animal derived product, then you may want to consider plant-based oils such as coconut oil or olive oil. Be aware that these may have downsides not present in some of the other products.


Mink oil alternatives are generally available at numerous locations including specialty leather care stores, shoe repair shops, boot stores, and almost all online shops.


Another consideration for many when selecting a mink oil alternative is what is the price. The good news is that most of these products can be purchased relatively affordably, especially compared to the cost of the leather products they are usually being used on. Some approximate price comparisons are listed below:

  • Neatsfoot Oil: $$
  • Bickmore Bick 4: $$
  • Coconut Oil: $
  • Beeswax: $
  • Obenauf’s Products: $$
  • Olive Oil: $

TL;DR on Best Mink Oil Alternatives

To sum it all up or give you the TL;DR – you have numerous alternatives to mink oil that you can explore for maintaining your leather goods, including cowboy boots. Our recommendation here is to stick with a more traditional conditioner like Bick 4 or Lexol conditioner.

What Are Mink Oil Alternatives
What Are Mink Oil Alternatives?

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use olive oil as an alternative to mink oil for my leather boots?

While olive oil can condition leather and add a bit of shine, it is defitely not the best choice for long-term leather boot care. Over time, it can also darken leather and could even go rancid due to its organic nature. It would be recommended to stick with oils specifically designed for leather care.

Is coconut oil a good substitute for mink oil?

Coconut oil, like olive oil, can be used to condition leather temporarily, but it is also not the recommendation from us here. It can also darken leather and would be non-ideal for waterproofing.

Can I use Bick 4 instead of mink oil on my leather boots?

Absolutely and this is our recommended choice! Bick 4 is a great alternative to mink oil. It is excellent for conditioning leather without darkening it. It is worth noting that it does not provide the same degree of waterproofing as mink oil.

Is Lexol a good replacement for mink oil?

Yes, it is! Lexol is a trusted product when it comes to leather care. It provides excellent conditioning without altering the color of the leather. Similarly to the comment about Bick 4, it won’t waterproof your boots to the same extent as mink oil.

Can I use neatsfoot oil as a mink oil substitute?

Yes, you can use neatsfoot oil as an alternative. However, it tends to darken leather in similar ways to mink oil.

Do any of these alternatives offer the same waterproofing as mink oil?

One of the things mink oil is known for is its waterproofing abilities. While Bick 4 and Lexol are great choices for conditioning, they don’t offer the same degree of waterproofing. Beeswax based product also have generally good waterproofing ability. If this is the most important factor then looking for a specific waterproofing product may be the best option.

Can I use these alternatives on any type of leather?

Each type of leather is unique and reacts differently to various treatments. Always test a small, hidden area first with any new product. If you are unsure, it’s best to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or a leather boot professional.

How often should I condition my leather boots with these alternatives?

Generally, you should condition your boots whenever they begin to look or feel dry or roughly every month with regular use. However, this can vary based on the specific product you’re using, the type of leather, and the environment in which your boots are worn.

Can I use beeswax as an alternative to mink oil for my leather boots?

Yes, beeswax is a natural alternative to mink oil. It can help condition the leather and offer waterproofing. However, it may slightly darken lighter colored leathers so be aware and test.

Is Obenauf’s a suitable replacement for mink oil?

Yes, it is. Obenauf’s is a respected brand in leather care, known for its quality products. Their products with beeswax can help provide waterproofing compared with Bick 4 or Lexol.

Is the waterproofing capability of beeswax and Obenauf’s on par with mink oil?

Both beeswax and Obenauf’s products offer solid waterproofing capabilities. Some would argue that these provide better, more robust protection compared to mink oil, especially in extreme weather conditions. One thing to remember is that beeswax can have a tendency to harden at lower temperatures, which can affect the flexibility of the leather.

Can I use beeswax and Obenauf’s on any type of leather boots?

Both beeswax and Obenauf’s can be used on most types of leather. However, they might darken some lighter colored leathers. Always test any new product on a small, hidden area first.

Are mink oil alternatives safe to use on suede or nubuck boots?

Please take note that suede and nubuck require special care protocols. Many alternative conditioners, including mink oil, beeswax, and others, can darken and smooth these materials thus altering their appearance in negative ways. Always use products specifically designed for suede or nubuck boots to ensure proper care of these type of boots.

Can I mix different products, like beeswax and neatsfoot oil, for my leather boots?

While it’s possible to mix different products, it’s generally not recommended unless you’re experienced with leather care. Different products can interact in unpredictable ways, potentially harming your boots. Stick to one product or use a product specifically designed to provide multiple benefits.

How can I remove mink oil or its alternatives if I applied too much or want to switch products?

A mild detergent mixed with warm water can be used to remove excess product from the surface of your boots. After cleaning, let your boots dry naturally. Please remember that removing these products completely can be difficult, and frequent changes in product use may damage the leather.

What are some other natural alternatives to mink oil you haven’t talked about yet?

A few other natural alternatives we didn’t cover would include carnauba wax and lanolin. Carnauba wax, derived from the leaves of a Brazilian palm tree, is known for providing a hard, protective finish and a high-gloss shine. Lanolin, extracted from sheep’s wool, is an excellent conditioner but offers minimal waterproofing. Each of these alternative products has its own pros and cons, and the effectiveness can depend on the type of leather and the conditions your boots are exposed to. It’s always best to research each product thoroughly and choose the one that best suits your specific needs.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here:
