Jacob C – Cowboy Boot Guru https://cowboybootguru.com All Your Cowboy Boot Questions Answered Sun, 31 Dec 2023 19:59:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/cowboybootguru.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/cropped-Cowboy-Boot-Guru-Logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Jacob C – Cowboy Boot Guru https://cowboybootguru.com 32 32 222802615 Shark Leather vs Cowhide: A Comprehensive Comparison of 2 Popular Leathers https://cowboybootguru.com/shark-leather-vs-cowhide/ Wed, 06 Sep 2023 03:08:38 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=619 Read More]]> Shark Leather vs Cowhide: A Comparison of Two Top Choices

When choosing a skin for cowboy boots the choice of shark leather vs cowhide leather may come up. The fact is that shark leather and cowhide are two very distinct materials with different properties, pros, and cons. Picking between them will depend on your personal aesthetic preferences, your durability expectations, and the price point you are looking to buy a pair of boots at. Shark leather is known for both its exotic appeal and scuff-resistant properties, while cowhide remains the most popular leather choice for cowboy boots and offers a good combination of both durability and affordability.

Shark leather, as expected, originates from the skin of sharks which after processing is fashioned into leather to be used in various accessories including cowboy boots. Cowhide leather is derived from the skin of cows and is considered a versatile and classic material for making cowboy boots and many other products. Both of these different types of leather come with their own unique textures and features making the selection process a matter of personal taste and desired features.

Key Takeaways

  • This article will compare shark leather and cowhide, addressing factors like durability, price, and aesthetics.
  • Both leathers are sourced from their respective animals and have distinct characteristics.
  • Personal preferences and desired features will play a large role in selecting between shark leather and cowhide.

shark leather vs cowhide

Overview of Leather Types

The most common type of leather used in making boots is cowhide leather. Cowhide leather is also widely used in various other products, such as wallets, bags, and jackets.

In addition to cowhide leather, we also have exotic leathers that come from less common animals – these include sharks, ostriches, pythons, alligators, and stingrays. These exotic leathers are also popular choices for cowboy boots and can add a unique, high-end touch to your pair that helps them stand out aesthetically.

Shark leather is most often recognized for having a distinct grain pattern as well as a higher resistance to wear and tear. It is a strong and durable material that makes for a good cowboy boot and is also used in making high-quality bags, belts, and shoes. Its unique texture is one of its best features as it can provide more of an exclusive appearance that makes it really stand out.

Cowhide, while not as distinctive as shark, can be an ideal choice for products that require a balance of strength, fashion, flexibility, and affordability. There is a reason that it is the most widely used leather when making cowboy boots. Cowhide leather comes in numerous various grades and finishes. As the classic choice for various leather products, cowhide is both versatile and well-loved.

is shark better than cow leather?

Origins and Sourcing

Both shark and cowhide have their own origins and methods of sourcing, which are discussed next.

Shark leather comes from various shark species with one common type being the blue shark. Shark leather is generally a by-product of the food industry. Fishers process shark meat for human consumption and then sell the skin to exotic leather suppliers. Asia, Europe, and Africa are regions where shark leather is commonly sourced, with the leather ending up in tanneries around the world.

Comparatively, cowhide is the most widely used leather around the globe and is sourced primarily from cattle. Cowhide is also a by-product of the food industry, with hides being sourced during meat processing. The production of cowhide leather is generally considered to be a more established and regulated supply chain compared to shark leather. Cowhide leather is sourced and produced in various regions worldwide.

Comparing Textures

In the next section, we will explore the differences in the texture between cowhide and shark leather. With each carrying a different look and feel we will focus on reviewing aspects such as softness, smoothness, and patterns.


Cowhide is perhaps best known for having a smooth and supple texture which makes it a popular choice for cowboy boots and other leather products, including jackets and bags. The softness of cowhide comes from the natural fibers in the skin, which create a durable yet flexible material. The surface of the leather can range from smooth to slightly pebbled, depending on the finishing process.

Shark Leather

Shark leather, on the other hand, has a unique texture all its own. You find denticles (microscopic, tooth-like structures) on the surface of shark skin. These help to form a characteristic pattern that resembles tiles, giving shark leather its distinctive appearance. In contrast to cowhide, shark leather is not as soft or smooth, and the surface will usually feel somewhat rough to the touch.

Shark leather is quite strong and durable and makes for a strong boot material. While it may not be quite as flexible as cowhide and require more break in time, its resilience and unique appearance make shark leather an excellent choice for hard-wearing items such as cowboy boots.

Your preferred choice for cowhide or shark leather will largely depend on the desired texture and accompanying look.

is shark skin tougher than leather?

Durability Assessment

Scuffing and Scratching

Shark leather is both tough and highly resistant to scuffs and scratches. This gives it an edge in durability, making it an appealing choice for heavy-duty applications.

In comparison, cowhide, which also has good durability overall, can be more susceptible to scuffs and scratches. However, when you apply proper maintenance, you can keep your cowhide products looking good for a long time.

Longevity and Wear

Shark leather is not only durable but also long-lasting, thanks to its tough natural fibers.

With the proper care, cowhide also can last a long time without excessive wear or cracking.

To maximize the longevity of either your shark leather or cowhide boots or other products, consider the following tips:

  • Avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight and excessive heat
  • Keeping them dry and avoid soaking in water
  • Apply leather conditioners regularly

Both shark leather and cowhide have their own distinct advantages when it comes to durability and wear resistance. Choose the one that fits your needs and them ensure proper care and maintenance to make the most out of your investment.

Colors and Finishes


Cowhide leather will offer you a vast range of color options, enabling you to choose from classic shades like black and brown to more vibrant hues such as red and blue. This versatility allows you to select a color that best suits your own personal style and preferences.

Cowhide leather can also have various sheens or finished, depending on the treatment and finishing processes used. With a range from matte finishes to high gloss, the different available sheens also contribute to cowhide’s popularity and versatility.

Shark Leather

Shark leather is a bit less readily available and typically comes in fewer colors compared to cowhide. The natural hues of shark skin may include shades of gray, brown, and blue.

The texture of shark leather is among its distinct characteristics with its pebbled or slightly rippled grain pattern giving it a natural look distinct from a more traditional cowhide. This unique appearance will add an extra layer of intrigue to your shark leather cowboy boots.

Sheen level in your shark leather boots can vary, with some finishes appearing matte and others featuring a more reflective, polished surface. However, it is generally going to be less glossy than the high-gloss finishes achievable with cowhide.

Whichever way you go you will find that both cowhide and shark leather offer various colors, finishes, and textures for you to choose from when selecting a cowboy boot material.

cowhide vs shark leather cowboy boots

Price Comparisons

Another area to consider when considering going with shark leather vs cowhide leather is comparative pricing. While there are always exceptions to the rule in general, they come at different price points. Shark leather will generally be more expensive than cowhide.

As we are mostly concerned with writing about boots here, when you are looking at cowboy boots, you may see a significant increase in price when choosing shark leather over cowhide.

While it is true that shark leather may be more expensive in comparison to cowhide, so are many exotic leathers, and it does bring its own unique features that might justify the price for you. If you decide that shark isn’t for you then cowhide provides many cost-effective options with a wide variety of applications and styles available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using shark leather over cowhide?

When compared to cowhide, shark leather offers a distinctive pattern and texture that gives it a unique and exotic appearance. Another consideration is that shark leather is known for its durability, possibly making it more suitable for use in items exposed to harsh environments.

How do the durability and toughness of shark leather compare to cowhide?

Shark leather is considered a highly durable leather and is quite resistant to wear and tear. Cowhide is also durable, but shark leather’s properties make it a generally more durable and tougher leather than cowhide. Cowhide is no slouch here though, and both materials are known for their long-lasting characteristics when properly cared for.

In what types of products is shark leather most commonly used?

Shark leather is commonly used in various types of products – these include cowboy boots, belts, wallets, and other accessories. The distinctive appearance of shark leather can add a sense of luxury and exoticness to these items.

What is the cost difference between shark leather and cowhide?

Shark leather will often be more expensive than cowhide because it is a less common and exotic leather type. Cowhide, being more widely available and in more common use tends to have lower prices, which is one of the reasons it is it the most popular choice among consumers and manufacturers of cowboy boots.

How does water resistance differ between shark leather and cowhide?

While not waterproof, shark leather is generally considered to have a superior water resistance compared to cowhide. While cowhide can be treated to enhance its water resistance, shark leather typically outperforms cowhide in this aspect of its performance.

How does shark leather compare to elephant leather? We wrote an article about that too. Read more to find out. How about cowhide vs goat leather? We have you covered there too.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/vb2B7oUwLdE

Cape Buffalo Cowboy Boots Review: Strong on Both Style and Durability https://cowboybootguru.com/cape-buffalo-cowboy-boots-review/ Sat, 02 Sep 2023 19:44:57 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=606 Read More]]> Cape Buffalo Cowboy Boots Review – Is Cape Buffalo a Good Choice for Cowboy Boots?

Cape buffalo cowboy boots are an exotic skin that is somewhat less frequently seen that has a unique appearance and is becoming known as a durable exotic leather. Constructed from genuine African cape buffalo leather, these boots offer offer you both style and durability to withstand the toughest of conditions while still maintaining a great look. In this article, we will cover the high points of a cape buffalo cowboy boots review and give you some things to consider if you are looking at a pair for yourself.

Let’s start off with the overall general aesthetics of cape buffalo cowboy boots. In my opinion you can expect a distinctive and eye-catching design from cape buffalo leather. These boots are somewhat less common and will allow you to make a statement piece from your footwear as they both look good and aren’t as widespread as some other exotics just yet.

Materials and craftsmanship will of course play a critical role in the overall quality of cape buffalo cowboy boots. This leather is naturally strong, and your boots should remain sturdy and long-lasting even with regular use. You’ll want to pay attention to detail in any particular boot brand’s design as these details will be what ensures you get a comfortable and stylish wearing experience. Some of the comfort systems that may be incorporated by different boot brands include features like all-leather stacked heels, solid steel shanks, and high-quality outsoles.

Key Takeaways

  • Cape buffalo cowboy boots offer a unique, aesthetic design and good durability due to the use of genuine African cape buffalo leather.
  • These boots feature eye-catching aesthetics with a less commonly seen exotic leather.
  • High-quality materials and craftsmanship will contribute to the comfort and longevity of any particular pair of cape buffalo cowboy boots.

cape buffalo cowboy boots review

Aesthetics of Cape Buffalo Cowboy Boots

Color Spectrum

You can find cape buffalo cowboy boots in a variety of colors to suit your personal style. Some of the more popular and commonly seen shades include brown, black, and mocha. The natural texture of the cape buffalo leather enhances the beauty of these boots, creating a rich and luxurious appearance that drives the aesthetic from this exotic.

Materials and Craftsmanship

When it comes to cape buffalo cowboy boots, the unique look of the leather and the craftsmanship involved set them apart from other types of cowboy boots. In this section, we will take a closer look at these aspects by comparing them to other exotic leathers.

are cape buffalo boots any good?

Cape Buffalo vs Other Exotics

Cape buffalo leather is most distinctly known for both its durability and its unique textured look and feel. The natural markings and natural look really make cape buffalo boots stand out.

Comparing to some other exotics you will find that each has its own unique look that you’ll have to compare to cape buffalo. Common popular exotics like ostrich, caiman, alligator, stingray, and elephant all have very distinctive aesthetics from each other and from cape buffalo.

Cape buffalo tends to be on the tougher end of the exotic spectrum falling closer to elephant and stingray, which are well known durable exotic leathers, in contrast to others.

In the world of exotic leather cowboy boots you will find that cape buffalo cowboy boots offer a distinct combination of durability, comfort, and style when compared to other exotic materials that you’ll need to weigh against your own aesthetic preferences and need for durability.

cape buffalo boots review

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of cape buffalo leather in cowboy boots?

Cape buffalo leather offers a unique combination of qualities that can make your cowboy boots stand out. It tends to be thicker and possess more strength when compared to cowhide, which means your boots may last longer and withstand more wear and tear. Cape buffalo leather is also known for its distinctive grain pattern, giving your boots a natural and visually appealing look.

How do cape buffalo leather boots compare to cow leather?

While both cape buffalo and cow leather boots are good options, some key differences do exist. Cape buffalo leather is generally thicker and stronger than its cowhide counterpart, which can translate into a longer-lasting and more durable boot. This also means that cape buffalo may take a bit longer to break in than cowhide leather boots.

In addition, the distinct grain pattern of cape buffalo leather adds a unique visual appeal to your boots that is not found in cowhide leather. On the other hand, when it comes to cost, cape buffalo leather boots are usually more expensive than cow leather boots due to their comparative scarcity.

is cape buffalo leather good?

How comfortable are cape buffalo cowboy boots?

Cape buffalo cowboy boots can be just as comfortable as any other cowboy boot with brand specifics playing a key role between any two boot choices. The final answer on comfort will depend on factors such as fit, construction, sole, and insole more than the cape buffalo leather itself. In general, cape buffalo cowboy boots will generally take longer to break in than cowhide boots.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/QFRy6kZw8JM

Are Cowboy Boots Comfortable? Debunking the Myths and Exploring the Truth https://cowboybootguru.com/are-cowboy-boots-comfortable/ Sat, 02 Sep 2023 19:30:14 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=598 Read More]]> Are Cowboy Boots Comfortable? Let’s Find the Truth

Cowboy boots are well known as a style symbolic of the rugged American West and prized for both their durability and style. However, when it comes to their comfort, you will often hear the question are cowboy boots comfortable and to be frank, opinions vary on this topic. Let’s spend some time getting to the bottom of the topic of cowboy boots and their comfort level.

As a general rule, most people find a well fitted pair of cowboy boots to be quite comfortable, but some people likely either had a bad experience with fit or just don’t like the way cowboy boots feel on their feet and may experience discomfort. There is no doubt that the key to finding a comfortable pair of cowboy boots is found in understanding their design and making sure you select the right fit for your feet.

Cowboy boot design is rooted in their functionality driving form. They feature a combination of sturdy construction with a heel designed for balance. A well-fitting pair of cowboy boots can provide you with excellent support and comfort throughout the day. Even more so today, the diverse styles and different materials available offer a veritable plethora of options for those seeking a mix of comfort and style in their western footwear.

Key Takeaways

  • Cowboy boots can be a very comfortable choice when properly fitted with a good design and quality materials
  • While stylish, historically cowboy boots focused on function to drive form and is important for finding a comfortable pair.
  • You will want to find both the right fit and style that meets your needs for comfort in a cowboy boot.

are cowboy boots comfortable?

What to Look for in a Comfortable Pair of Cowboy Boots

There are several important features to look for when trying to find a comfortable pair of cowboy boots. First up, you’ll want to make sure the boots have a good fit. Having a snug fit without being too tight is crucial for comfort. You can think of your cowboy boots as being like a pair of leather gloves for your feet.

Another essential feature to look for is quality insoles. While you can always add aftermarket insoles getting a pair with a good leather insole can help to conform to your foot over time. This feature is one that will help ensure your boots remain comfortable even during extended hours of wear. Good-quality insoles will provide cushioning and support that eases the pressure on your feet from standing or walking.

The material used in the boot construction will also play a very significant role in determining the comfort of a pair of cowboy boots. For maximum comfort you will want to consider boots made from high-quality, soft leathers – whether exotic or regular cow leather. Softer leathers like ostrich and softer cow leathers tend to mold to the shape of your foot over time and create a comfortable, personalized fit. While boots made with more firm leathers such as elephant or stingray are great exotic choices, they can take longer to break in. For exotic leathers ostrich is widely considered to make for a very comfortable cowboy boot.

You will need to consider what type of sole you want as well. Depending on the desired comfort level and functionality you can go with either a rubber or leather sole. Many modern boots come with rubber soles that offer improved slip resistance and cushioning, whereas leather soles are going to be more traditional and accessible for formal events. Both are comfortable, but you should be aware of the difference and consider which one works best for your use case as well as maximizes your comfort factor.

Last, but not least, you should consider the shape of the boot, especially the toe box. For some folks they will find that pointy or snip toe boots are their favorite style, but they may not be the most comfortable choice for all-day wear. You may want to consider going for boots with a slightly rounded or square toe if you are sensitive to toe comfort factors. (check out Are Square Toe Boots Ugly? for a fashion debate on these) These can allow your toes more took to breathe and prevent discomfort over extended wearing times.

By paying attention to these factors, you can find cowboy boots that offer both style and comfort that you will enjoy for years to come.

are cowboy boots comfortable to wear all day?

Understanding Cowboy Boot Design

We touched on some key factors above. Now let’s dive a little deeper into a few areas. When it comes to comfort, the different aspects of cowboy boot design such as materials used, and toe shapes will weigh heavily on their comfort levels.

Materials and Their Comfort

You will find cowboy boots made from lots of different materials – including leather, suede, and exotic animal hides. All of these different materials can impact the overall comfort and durability of a pair of boots.

Leather is going to be by far the most common and widely used material and is known for being both comfortable and long-lasting. Suede, in comparison, is generally softer and provides a different appearance but might be less durable in harsher conditions. Exotic animal leathers will offer unique patterns and textures but will have different levels of comfort depending on the skin chosen. (You may want to read Which exotic leathers are legal and illegal?)

Understanding Toe Shapes

The toe shape you choose for your cowboy boots is going to have a big influence on both their style and comfort. There are several common toe shapes found in cowboy boots and selecting the right toe shape for your needs will contribute to your boots’ overall comfort level.

  • Square toe: This shape provides a roomier fit for those who prefer extra space for their toes.
  • Round toe: A classic design, round toe boots offer a slightly snugger fit without compromising on comfort.
  • Pointed toe: A common and popular design, some people find that they compress the toe area depending on their foot shape and the exact cut of the boot.
  • Snip toe: Snip toe boots have a somewhat pointed design, but with a slightly flattened tip.

Ideally, to maximize your opportunities for a comfy pair of boots you should try on several different types of cowboy boots in person. This can allow you to really get a feel for what you like and how different brands, cuts, and toe styles fit you. Make sure to pay close attention to the previously noted features as you search for the perfect fit for your feet.

are cowboy boots comfortable for walking?

The Perfect Fit for Comfort: Size and Style

Guide to Measuring for Cowboy Boots

Remember that when it comes to cowboy boot comfort getting a proper fit is critical. The generally accepted way to measure your foot size is with a brannock device which any reputable boot seller will have. You’ll want to ensure you’re wearing the socks you plan on wearing with your cowboy boots to help achieve the perfect fit. Go ahead and measure both feet and choose the largest measurement for a better fit.

You’ll want to keep both length size and width size in mind when measuring for comfort. Generally, men’s cowboy boots come in B, D, and EE widths (from narrower to wider with D being standard).

how comfortable are cowboy boots?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are cowboy boots comfy to wear for long hours?

Yes, cowboy boots can definitely be a comfortable choice to wear for long hours – as long as they fit well and are of good quality. A proper fit and quality materials can make a significant difference in comfort levels. Remember, each person may have a different experience with cowboy boots, so it’s essential to find the right pair for your specific needs.

What makes cowboy boots comfortable?

Several factors contribute to the comfort of cowboy boots, such as the quality of materials used, the boot’s construction, the toe style, the insoles, and the overall fit. High-quality leather and good insoles can provide all-day comfort, while a sturdy shank will offer arch support. A well-constructed boot with ample room in the toe box will also contribute to overall comfort.

Which brands offer the most comfortable cowboy boots?

There are several brands that are known for their comfortable cowboy boots. Dan Post is well known as one of the brands that focuses on the comfort factor. Many of the big brands have options with good comfort including Anderson Bean, Ariat, and others. It’s good to remember that what’s most comfortable for someone else might not fit or feel the same for you, so it’s important to try on various brands to find the right fit and comfort level for your feet.

Can cowboy boots be both functional and comfortable?

They absolutely can. Cowboy boots by design are both stylish and functional and comfort comes along with the mix. Many cowboy boots are designed with a blend of features that make them suitable for work, riding, and/or casual wear. High-quality materials, durable construction, and additional support can provide both comfort and functionality.

Do cowboy boots require a break-in period?

Yes, most cowboy boots typically require some level of break-in period prior to reaching optimal comfort. This break-in process allows the leather to soften, mold to your feet, and become more flexible. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the boot’s materials and construction. Wearing your new cowboy boots for short periods and gradually increasing the duration can help expedite the break-in process.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/6n5vh-QLojY

are cowboy boots comfortable to wear?

How Can You Tell the Difference Between Real and Fake Alligator Leather? – Expert Insights https://cowboybootguru.com/how-can-you-tell-the-difference-between-real-and-fake-alligator-leather/ Sat, 02 Sep 2023 18:59:51 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=591 Read More]]> How Can You Tell the Difference Between Real and Fake Alligator Leather?

Real authentic alligator leather is a highly sought-after material for use in cowboy boots as well as other fashion products such as handbags and belts. Due to its high-end luxury appeal coupled with its unique texture, it also often comes with a premium price tag.

As a response to this we find that the market has seen an influx of fake or print alligator leather products. If marketed and sold as prints this is perfectly acceptable and faux exotic leathers are commonly sold and quite popular. The problem lies when they are not identified as such and some prints are highly convincing to the untrained eye. As an exotic cowboy boot consumer, it’s important that you know how can you tell the difference between real and fake alligator leather when making a buying decision.

Especially with the rise in purchases of cowboy boots on secondhand marketplaces like eBay or Poshmark knowing how to spot real from print alligator leather will allow you to make informed spending decisions.

Here we will walk through some of the qualities of genuine alligator leather to help you ensure you are buying what you want and are paying for. By being aware of factors such as price, texture, natural skin features, and quality indicators, you can feel more confident in being able to distinguish real alligator leather from faux or print alligator leather.

Key Takeaways

  • Real alligator leather is known for its unique texture and luxury appeal.
  • Examining the price, texture, natural skin characteristics, and quality indicators can help in distinguishing genuine alligator leather from fake products.

how can you tell the difference between real and fake alligator leather?

Understanding Alligator Leather

Let’s jump right in and get started with some key factors to look for that will help you differentiate between genuine and fake alligator leather.

Grain Patterns

Authentic alligator skin is going to have unique grain patterns that are fairly distinct from imitation alligator patterns. Fake alligator leathers will often attempt to mimic these natural patterns, but upon closer inspection, you’ll usually be able to notice the design flaws compared to a natural skin. Many times it is the too similar look of the each boot in a pair that makes it clear there is a print being used. A natural pair of skins will be similar if matched properly, but still exhibit variation in scale shape and size.

Texture and Softness

The texture of an actual alligator skin has a feel that can be difficult to recreate in synthetic or print alternatives. When you touch genuine alligator leather, you should be able to feel individual scales and natural variations. Imitations will often have a too smooth feel or a uniform texture that lacks the detail of real alligator skin.

By taking the time to examine the grain patterns and texture of your alligator leather boots, you can more confidently identify if they are genuine alligator or prints before you drop a large amount of cash on a pair.

how can you tell if alligator leather is real?

Identifying Fake Alligator Leather

Artificial Patterns

Artificial patterns and too uniform matches between boot pairs are tell tale signs of fake alligator leather. When you’re examining a product made from alligator leather, you’ll want to pay close attention to the pattern of the scales. Real alligator skin will have distinctive, but somewhat irregular patterns as you would expect in nature, while fake alligator leather will usually have a more uniform, repeating pattern that is created through artificial printing or embossing methods.

If you notice that the pattern appears to be just a little too consistent or with exact matches between the left and right boots, it is an indication that the item could be made from synthetic or artificial materials. You would expect to see some amount of natural variation in real alligator leather.

Texture Differences

Another aspect to consider when making your analysis is the texture of the leather. Genuine alligator leather will tend to have a denser, thicker feel in comparison to alligator leather prints made from other materials that might feel thinner and smoother to the touch. When you touch the surface of real alligator skin it should have a distinct, natural texture, whereas faux versions may feel more artificial.

By examining the patterns and texture of your alligator skin cowboy boots you can get a more confident assessment of whether they are made from genuine alligator leather or a faux or print leather alternative.

Price Indicators

Another key indicator to aid in determining whether alligator leather is real or fake is also going to be the price. The combination of the influence of luxury branding and the actual cost of genuine alligator skin leather both play a significant role in the price of real bs fake alligator leather boots.

High End Luxury Brand Influence

While it isn’t a definitive method there is some truth to the fact that the presence of a high-end brand name may serve as an indicator of authenticity. A high quality brand is more likely to produce quality products made from genuine alligator leather or else to clearly mark it as imitation as they don’t want to tarnish their brand reputation. You should always do your research on the brand before buying.

real or fake alligator cowboy boots

Genuine Alligator Leather Cost

In general, authentic alligator leather is going to be a more expensive exotic leather due it’s relative rarity of the material and the skills required for processing and crafting products from it.

If the price of a product seems too good to be true compared to the market price for genuine alligator leather, there’s a good possibility that it’s not authentic alligator leather. For example, if you see a really low price tag you’ll want to watch out for thinking you got a great deal as it is a good probability that means it’s imitation alligator leather.

A few things to remember as it relates to price and branding on alligator skin products.

  • Real alligator leather items will usually have a premium price due to their relative rarity and craftsmanship.
  • An unusually low price could be indicative of fake alligator leather.
  • Always conduct thorough research on the brand and product in question to make an informed decision.

Examining Quality Indicators

Natural Imperfections

When trying to identify authentic alligator leather, you’ll want to keep in mind that genuine leathers often present with natural imperfections. Authentic alligator skin is going to have some amount of irregularities and pattern variance such as slightly uneven scales or varying color tones. In comparison, faux or synthetic leathers will usually present uniform patterns and consistent hues, indicative of manufacturing production vs natural leathers.


Another somewhat unique aspect of genuine alligator leather can be the presence of scarring – especially in more natural leather colorings. Since alligators are wild animals, their skin typically exhibits some signs of battles with other creatures or occurring from natural encounters in their environment. You should keep an eye out for small scratches, blemishes, or imperfections, which counterintuitively may help signal that the leather has originated from a real animal. Faux leather will typically lack such markings, giving you another opportunity to recognize the difference between the two.

To summarize these two indicators to help verify the authenticity of alligator leather, you should be on the lookout for natural imperfections and scarring in your alligator leather. In general, genuine alligator leather will have more unique characteristics, while fake leather tends to look more uniform and flawless. These indicators paired with the rest should really help point you on your way to determining if you have a real pair of alligator leather boots or if it is a print.

real vs fake alligator leather boots

Frequently Asked Questions

How to distinguish genuine alligator boots from fake ones?

To distinguish genuine alligator boots from fake ones, you should closely examine the texture and pattern of the leather. Authentic alligator skin has a distinctive pattern that will also exhibit a mix of larger and smaller scales and natural pattern variation, while imitation skins often will have a more uniform pattern.

What characteristics reveal real versus print alligator leather?

Real alligator leather is going to have a distinctive feel and appearance, with scale patterns that vary in size and shape. Comparatively, printed alligator leather will often have a more uniform and repetitive pattern with close matches between the left and right boots. If you look closely, you may find that genuine alligator leather scales have a natural contour and depth, while print alligator leather may appear more flat and smooth.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/BYJosQOkdm8

Are Square Toe Cowboy Boots Ugly? The Truth About This Controversial Footwear Trend https://cowboybootguru.com/are-square-toe-cowboy-boots-ugly/ Tue, 08 Aug 2023 03:26:58 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=483 Read More]]> Are Square Toe Cowboy Boots Ugly? Let’s Dig Into This Sometimes Controversial Footwear Trend

Cowboy boots come with many different options for toe styles. And one of the most hotly debated styles is the square toe cowboy boot. While some people love the look of the square toe boot, others think it’s the ugliest thing ever and prefer a round or pointed toe. So, the question today is are square toe cowboy boots ugly?

While square toe cowboy boots have been around for quite some time historically, in contemporary style they’ve really only more recently started to grow in popularity. You have a group of people who argue that the square toe is the more modern and stylish look, while others argue that it’s ugly and looks like a huge flipper on your foot.

The thing is that this debate over the aesthetics of square toe cowboy boots has been going on now for years, and it’s not likely to end anytime soon. Especially as square toe boots make up more and more of the sales and the shelves in popular boot stores.

Many people hate square toes because of the looks, but it’s important to consider that boots are not just about looks. Functionality is also a key factor to consider when choosing a cowboy boot toe. A benefit of a square toe boot is that it provides more room for the toes, and can make them more comfortable to wear with the larger toe box.

On the other hand, round toe fans argue their preference is also more functional as well as more aesthetic, especially when it comes to activities like riding horses. So, which toe is better? Like all decisions about fashion and what you wear, there can be the “rules” and then there are your personal preferences and needs which you should use to guide the decision.

are square toe boots ugly

Square Toe Cowboy Boots: A Style Overview

As we’ve established, one of the most divisive cowboy boot toe styles is the square toe cowboy boot. Some people love them, while others think they are ugly. In this section, we will provide an overview of the square toe cowboy boot and their current place in western fashion.

Today you can find square toe cowboy boots in a wide variety of styles ranging from classic to modern. You’ll find them made with a variety of different materials, including leather, suede, and exotic skin. The square toe design is also regularly combined with other common design elements, such as embroidery, stitching, and inlays.

One of the main benefits people who like square toe cowboy boots will cite is their comparative comfort. The square toe box design provides for more room for your toes. This is a big boon for those people who get discomfort from a cramped toe box on pointier boots. Additionally, many feel that the square toe design can also provide more stability and balance when walking.

All that being said, you still have some people who  still consider square toe cowboy boots to be ugly or unfashionable. This opinion is largely a matter of personal preference and style and as such is subjective. Some people just prefer the look of round or pointy toe cowboy boots, while others prefer the look of square toe cowboy boots.

In closing this section we can say that square toe cowboy boots are a versatile style of western boots that has both many fans and many detractors. They offer a different twist on cowboy boot design and can be a comfortable and practical choice for everyday wear. Whether or not you will personally find them attractive all comes back to personal preference, but there is no denying their popularity and current place in western fashion.

are square toe boots bad

The Evolution of Cowboy Boot Styles

When it comes to cowboy boots, there are many different styles to choose from and they have changed, and will continue to change, over the years. Over the last century we have seen cowboy boots evolve from simple, traditional styles to more modern, fashion-forward styles and everything in between. One of the most notable changes over time has been the evolution of the toe shape.

While there is some debate about what toe style actually came first way back in history, in more modern, contemporary times the more traditional cowboy boots were made with more of a pointed toe than a square toe. This design more easily allowed the boot to slip into the stirrup while riding a horse. However, over time, the pointed toe became associated with a more formal look of cowboy boot and we saw a move in favor of a more rounded toe design.

In the last decades, the square toe cowboy boot has become increasingly popular. As more people have migrated to cowboy boots for everyday wear the increased toe room and comfort of square toes has helped make them a popular choice for those who spend a lot of time on their feet. And there is no doubt that square toes have as many fans of their aesthetic as detractors as many just plain like the way they look as well as the other factors they have going for them.

Overall, the observation about the evolution of cowboy boot styles is that it reflects a combination of both changing fashion trends and practical considerations. Regardless of whether you prefer a traditional pointed toe, a round toe, or a wide square toe, there is a cowboy boot style out there for everyone.

are square toe boots unpopular

Comparing Toe Shapes

When you are deciding on a pair of cowboy boots, there are several toe shapes for you to choose from. Each toe shape will have its own unique look and feel and choosing the right one can make all the difference in how you feel about the boot. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular toe shapes:

Pointed Toe

Pointed toe cowboy boots are a classic style that has been around for decades. They are what they would like and feature a narrow, tapered toe that comes to a point. Pointed toes can make your feet look longer and slimmer, and they tend to be more formal than other toe shapes. They are great for dressier occasions, but can also be worn casually.

Round Toe

Round toe cowboy boots will have a gently rounded end without a taper or point. They provide more room for your toes to spread out, making them a good choice for walking and casual wear. Round toe boots are also a good option if you have wider feet, but don’t like the look of a square toe boot.

Square Toe

Square toe cowboy boots have a broad, square toe box that provides ample room for your toes to spread out. They come in a variety of styles, including longer toes that square off at the ends as well as the wider square toes that they derive their name from. Square toe boots are a versatile option that can be worn for both working and walking, but usually as a more casual vs formal style.

R Toe

R toe cowboy boots are another classic style that features a tapered, but not quite pointed, toe with a slightly rounded tip. They are a great option if you want the look of a pointed toe without the more extreme taper to a point. R toe boots are a versatile option that can be dressed up or down.

J Toe

J toe cowboy boots are a more modern style that features a pointed toe taper with a slightly rounded or squared off tip. They are a great option if you want the look of a pointed toe with a bit more room for your toes. J toe boots are a versatile option that can be worn for both riding and walking.

Overall, the key takeaway here is that the toe shape you choose is very much a matter of personal preference. You should take into consideration the occasion, your foot shape and width of your foot, and your personal style when choosing a toe shape for your boots. With so many different and varied options to choose from, you’re sure to find a cowboy boot that fits your style and personality perfectly.

are square toed boots out of style

The Functionality of Square Toe Cowboy Boots

In terms of function over form considerations, square toe cowboy boots are a good, comfortable choice for those who work on their feet for extended periods of time, such as construction workers. The wider toe box provides more room for the toes to spread out, reducing discomfort and allowing for enhanced movement. This is especially important for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

While it is true that square toe cowboy boots may not be the top choice for formal events, they are a popular option for everyday wear. They are quite versatile and can be paired with a variety of different outfits, from jeans to khakis.

In terms of their functionality, square toe cowboy boots are a solid choice for those who prioritize comfort and practicality. They are especially useful for those who spend a lot of time on their feet, providing good balance, movement, and support.

are square toe boots popular

Who Wears Square Toe Cowboy Boots

Square toe cowboy boots have become a popular fashion statement in the Western wear world. There is a pair available for anyone who wants to add a touch of Western flair to their outfit. Here are some examples of who wears square toe cowboy boots:

  • Classic Cowboy Boot Lovers: Those who love the traditional cowboy boot style may still prefer square toe cowboy boots over the pointed toe style. The square toe style is more comfortable for some people, and it also offers more room for the toes.
  • Women: Women’s square toe cowboy boots are available in a range of styles, including casual and dressy options. They are a great way to add a touch of Western style to any outfit, from jeans and a t-shirt to a dress or skirt.
  • Casual Wear: Square toe cowboy boots are a versatile option to pair with casual wear. They can be paired with jeans, shorts, or even a sundress for a fun and casual look.
  • Formal Events: While not the traditional choice for formal wear, square toe cowboy boots can be appropriate for formal events, such as weddings or other special occasions if you pick the right style. Dressy styles, such as those made from exotic leathers or with more intricate embroidery, can be paired with a suit or dress pants for a stylish and unique look.
  • Ranchers and Farmers: Of course, square toe cowboy boots are still a popular choice for ranchers and farmers. They offer the durability and support needed for long days of work on the farm or ranch.

To summarize this point, square toe cowboy boots are a versatile and stylish choice for anyone who wants to add a touch of Western flair to their outfit. Regardless of whether you’re dressing up for a formal event or just running errands around town, there’s a square toe cowboy boot style that will work for you.

are square toe cowboy boots in style

So, How to Close The Debate: Are Square Toe Cowboy Boots Ugly?

We are still back with the debate that has been raging for years: Are square toe cowboy boots ugly? As we have found out some people swear by them, while others think they are at best a fashion faux pas.

The Traditional Style

Many believe that a traditional cowboy boot must have a pointed or at least rounded toe, and some people in that camp believe that square toe boots are a departure that goes too far from this classic style. However, it’s important to acknowledge that square toe boots have been around for quite some time and are not a new trend. In fact, they have been around as a style since the 1800s. While pointed toe boots may be the more traditional style, square toe boots have become increasingly popular in recent years as the market has been quite accepting of them.

Customer Demand

Despite the ongoing debate about the style of square toe cowboy boots, there is no denying that they are in high demand from customer. Many customers prefer the look of square toe boots and find them to be a stylish option. As a result, many boot companies are now offering square toe boots as part of their product line. If you walk in any large boot store you’ll find aisles and shelves stocked with square toes and selling well.

Final Thoughts on Square Toe Cowboy Boots Appearance

This article isn’t going to resolve the debate about whether square toe cowboy boots are ugly or not. As we’ve discussed it’s a matter of personal preference which means it won’t be resolved anytime soon and we’ll still have opinions on both sides.

Where do I stand? I own and wear square toe cowboy boots, but also have round and pointed toe pairs as well. I find that they all have their pros and cons. For me, a pair that’s too pointed won’t have enough room in the toe box and will pinch my toes making them quite uncomfortable. I can accommodate by sizing up, but unless I’m buying in person it’s a bit of a risk. However, some of the really wide square toes can look a bit too much for me as well. I like a bit of balance along with comfort.

The bottom line – if you like the look of square toe boots and find them to be a comfortable fit, then go for it and don’t look back.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/UhRZt-jeHHg


Are Cowboy Boots Good for Plantar Fasciitis? A Clear Analysis of Pros and Cons https://cowboybootguru.com/are-cowboy-boots-good-for-plantar-fasciitis/ Sat, 05 Aug 2023 21:18:46 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=456 Read More]]> Are Cowboy Boots Good for Plantar Fasciitis? 

If you arrived here you probably know that plantar fasciitis can be a painful condition. It can affect the heel and arch of your foot and cause discomfort that can limit your daily activities. As a fan of cowboy boots, you might be wondering “are cowboy boots good for plantar fasciitis?”. If they are a suitable footwear option for dealing with plantar fasciitis then you may want to wear them more frequently than otherwise. I have good news – cowboy boots can potentially be a good choice for individuals suffering from plantar fasciitis. Everyone’s case will be different, but if it works for you then you’ll want to find the right pair to give you optimal support and comfort.

As you are looking for cowboy boots that cater to folks with plantar fasciitis, you’ll want to look for certain features that are needed in order to provide the necessary support for your feet. You’ll want to look for brands that are known for providing good arch support and come with a one- to two-inch heel and a square or wider toe box. In addition to finding an aesthetic style that you like, focusing on these other key aspects of your cowboy boots can possibly help you to alleviate pain and promote foot health.

Key Takeaways

  • Cowboy boots have the potential to be a good choice for plantar fasciitis if chosen carefully.
  • You’ll want to look for boots with proper arch support, a one- to two-inch heel, and a square or wide toe box.

Are Cowboy Boots Good for Plantar Fasciitis?

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

Symptoms and Causes

Plantar fasciitis is a reasonably common foot condition that involves the inflammation, strain, or even a tear of the plantar fascia, which is a band of tissue that supports the arch of your foot. When you have this condition you can expect a high likelihood it will cause foot pain, particularly under the arch of your foot and around your heel.

Some of the common symptoms of plantar fasciitis to watch out for include:

  • A sharp or stabbing pain at the bottom of your foot near the heel
  • Foot pain that worsens in the morning or after long periods of rest
  • Creating difficulty walking or standing for extended periods of time

Usually there is no one cause, but there are several factors that can contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis. Some of these are:

  • Age: Plantar fasciitis tends to be more common for those in their 40s and older
  • Weight: Carrying extra body weight is a risk factor that puts added strain on your plantar fascia
  • Activity: Participating in some athletic activities, such as running, can increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis
  • Foot structure: If you have flat feet or high arches you may find yourself to be more susceptible to developing plantar fasciitis

Cowboy Boots and Plantar Fasciitis

Prevention and Treatment

There is no doubt that dealing with plantar fasciitis can be frustrating. The following are a few suggestions you can take that may help you to prevent and treat this condition:


  • Be sure to choose supportive footwear: Wearing properly fitted footwear with good arch support can help minimize strain on your plantar fascia
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Reducing excess weight will lessen the stress on your feet
  • Stretch and strengthen: Regularly stretching your calf and foot muscles and keeping them strong will help support your plantar fascia


  • Rest: Reducing the activities that cause you to experience heel pain can allow your plantar fascia time to rest and heal
  • Use ice: Using ice and cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain
  • Orthotics: You may find that using boot/shoe inserts or inserting custom arch supports may provide additional support and pain relief
  • Seek professional help: You may need to consult with a healthcare professional about further treatment options such as physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, or even surgery for more severe cases

While learning more to understand the symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment options for plantar fasciitis is important to making informed decisions about your foot health, you should always consult with a licensed medical professional for treatment options.

Are Cowboy Boots Bad for Plantar Fasciitis?

Cowboy Boots for Plantar Fasciitis

Support and Comfort Factors

As you are looking for cowboy boots that may help with plantar fasciitis, you are going to want to prioritize boots offering a good mix of support, comfort, and cushioning. You will also want to pick boots with excellent arch support as this can help alleviate pressure and pain in the foot. Boots with an elevated heel and a wider toe box to prevent squishing your toes together can also be helpful in trying to avoid further aggravating foot conditions.

Shock absorption is another factor you should consider. A boot with good shock absorption and cushioning can help to provide relief from plantar fasciitis pain. Be on the lookout for boots with a cushioned insole, a flexible midsole, and footwear with shock-absorbing properties.

To sum up this section – when searching for cowboy boots good for plantar fasciitis you will want to focus on finding boots that provide excellent arch support, shock absorption, cushioning, durability, and comfort.

Traditional vs. Modern Cowboy Boots

Suitability for Plantar Fasciitis

As it relates to plantar fasciitis, both traditional and modern pairs of cowboy boots have their own sets of challenges. With traditional cowboy boots they can come with a stiffer sole and higher heel, which may not be the ideal boot setup for individuals with plantar fasciitis. The lack of arch support and limited shock absorption in some traditional cowboy boots could also exacerbate the pain caused by this condition.

More modern cowboy boots may not universally address the comfort needs of those with plantar fasciitis. However, you can definitely find modern models with both style and extra comfort that will offer a more supportive sole and better traction.

Cowboy Boots and foot health

Potential Drawbacks of Cowboy Boots

Health Considerations

While it’s true that the right pair of cowboy boots can both look fashionable and provide some benefits for those with plantar fasciitis, you must also consider if there are any potential drawbacks related to their design and fit.

For example, with some individuals wearing cowboy boots with higher heels when worn for long periods they may cause foot pain. For some the elevated heel position can put extra stress on your foot and lead to heel pain. In addition, if you have either flat or high-arched feet the lack of proper arch support in more traditional cowboy boots could exacerbate your discomfort. If this is your experience, you may want to go for boots with more low or standard heels.

Another potential issue to be aware of that impacts some people is if you pick a pair of boots with the pointed toe design commonly found in cowboy boots. For some, the feeling of having their toes squeezed into a narrow toe box can cause irritation, discomfort, and pain in your feet. In that case, you will want to make sure to choose a pair of boots with a more spacious toe box area. You may want to try a rounded or square toe design for your comfort.

One of the other beneficial features to consider in cowboy boots is looking to include a removable insole. You can try replacing the insole with a more supportive or cushioned alternative and see if that helps your foot or not.


In order to find the right cowboy boot for you to wear if you have plantar fasciitis, you’ll be looking for footwear with a bit of heel lift along with a wider toe box that also have good arch support, grip, and cushion.

With the right pair on your feet, cowboy boots can help offer both comfort and support for those who are suffering from plantar fasciitis. With a bit of careful consideration, you should be able to find the perfect pair of cowboy boots that cater to your foot pain needs while still looking stylish. As always, please consult with a medical professional for the treatment of your foot pain or plantar fasciitis diagnosis.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/5j4qB9yLVlc

How to Use Lexol: Expert Tips for Leather Care https://cowboybootguru.com/how-to-use-lexol/ Fri, 04 Aug 2023 19:27:29 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=431 Read More]]> How to Use Lexol: Expert Tips for Leather Care

If you want your leather cowboy boots or other leather items to maintain their appearance and last for a long time you are going to have to take proper care of them. One popular solution that many people swear by for cleaning and conditioning leather is Lexol. This article will walk through how to use Lexol leather cleaner and conditioner to help you preserve your leather items.

Before we take a deeper look into the process of using Lexol, let’s take a high level look at the basics. Using Lexol leather cleaner is a pretty straightforward and simple process that doesn’t require that you have any special tools or expertise.

A few basic points always apply regardless of the product chosen – preparing your leather surfaces and making sure you have all the right materials are the first steps. And you will always want test a small, inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying any product to the entire item so you can make sure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

how to use lexol?

What is Lexol?

Lexol is a well-known brand featuring leather care products that are designed to clean, condition, and protect your leather items like boots. It is a water-based substance that doesn’t contain silicone or petroleum-based solvents.

Lexol is reported as non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-greasy. This mix of attributes make it an attractive choice for maintaining a wide range of leather items, such as car upholstery, boots, shoes, bags, saddles, and furniture.

Like all products you will want to make sure to follow the directions and avoid using it on suede where it may cause damage. You will want to find a dedicated suede product for suede cleaning and conditioning.

will lexol darken leather?

Selecting the Right Lexol Product

Lexol Leather Cleaner

Lexol Leather Cleaner is Lexol’s offering to allow you to remove dirt, grime, and stains from your leather surfaces.

To use Lexol Leather cleaner:

  1. Shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply the Lexol Leather Cleaner onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Gently work the cleaner into the leather, paying special attention to any soiled or stained areas.
  4. Wipe away any excess cleaner with a soft cloth.
  5. Allow your leather to dry naturally (you should not use heat or direct sunlight).

After a cleaning session it is always the best advice to follow up next with a conditioner to help keep your leather smooth and supple.

Lexol Leather Conditioner

Lexol Leather Conditioner is Lexol’s conditioning product. Lexol Leather Conditioner is designed to condition your leather without leaving behind a greasy residue.

To use the conditioner:

  1. Shake the bottle well before each use.
  2. Apply Lexol Leather Conditioner onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Gently massage the conditioner into the leather using circular motions.
  4. Allow the leather to absorb the conditioner.
  5. Wipe away any excess conditioning product with a clean, dry cloth.

Regular conditioning for your cowboy boots will help to increase their longevity and keep them looking good over the long haul.

how do you clean leather with lexol?

How to Use Lexol Products

Step-by-step Leather Cleaning Process

  1. Shake the bottle well: Before using Lexol Leather Cleaner, make sure to shake the bottle thoroughly to ensure even distribution of the cleaning solution.
  2. Apply Lexol onto a cloth or sponge: Pour a small amount of the Lexol Leather Cleaner onto a clean cloth or sponge.
  3. Apply Lexol to your leather: Gently massage the cloth or sponge onto the leather surface in a circular motion, ensuring that you cover the entire area you want to clean.
  4. Wipe any excess away with a soft cloth: After applying the cleaner, use a clean, dry cloth to gently remove any excess cleaner from the leather surface.
  5. Let your leather dry naturally: Allow the leather to dry naturally after cleaning.

Step-by-step Leather Conditioning Process

  1. Shake the Lexol Leather Conditioner bottle: Just like the cleaner, start by shaking the bottle of Lexol Leather Conditioner well before use.
  2. Apply conditioner onto a soft cloth or sponge: Pour a small amount of the Lexol Leather Conditioner onto a clean cloth or sponge, similar to the cleaning process.
  3. Apply conditioner to your leather: Gently massage the cloth or sponge with the conditioner onto the leather surface in a circular motion, covering the entire area you want to condition.
  4. Wipe off excess conditioner with a soft cloth: Use a clean, dry cloth to gently remove any excess conditioner from the leather surface. Like cleaning, this step helps prevent buildup and ensures even distribution of the product.
  5. Let your leather dry naturally: Allow the leather to dry naturally after conditioning to ensure optimum absorption and protection.

lexol leather cleaner how to use?

Tips and Best Practices

Frequency of Use

You should consider the usage and in what environments you use your leather items to determine the frequency with which you should use clean and condition them. If your items are regularly exposed to dirt or to harsh conditions, you may need to clean them more frequently than if you wear them to an office environment or similar. A general guideline to consider would be to clean your leather items every 3-6 months or when they start to show visible signs of dirt, whichever comes first.

Safety Precautions

While Lexol Leather Cleaner is considered to us a gentle formula, it’s still important to follow the manufacturer instructions and use the following safety precautions to ensure proper usage and to avoid any potential harm to your leather items:

  • Always test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying it to the entire surface. This will help you determine if the cleaner will cause any discoloration or other adverse effects.
  • Avoid using the cleaner on suede or nubuck leather, as it may not be suitable for these types of materials.
  • Keep the cleaner away from children and pets, and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • If the cleaner comes into contact with your eyes or skin, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical advice if irritation persists.

FAQ’s For How To Use Lexol

Does Lexol Darken Leather?

Results appear to be mixed. Lexol is not intended to be a leather darkening product, but this is one of the reasons that we always recommend testing a small area that wont be seen to check for any color impacts.

How does Lexol Compare to Bick 4?

While Lexol is a solid product with its many fans, I am still a big fan of using either Bick #4 or Bickmore Exotic.

Is Lexol specifically designed for cowboy boots?

No, Lexol is designed to be a multi-use item for leather items including car interiors, luggage, and furniture as well as apparel and leather boots.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/gmn6AK6YwUw

Can You Wear Cowboy Boots with a Suit? Expert Style Guide to Get it Right https://cowboybootguru.com/can-you-wear-cowboy-boots-with-a-suit/ Fri, 04 Aug 2023 03:42:18 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=406 Read More]]> Can You Wear Cowboy Boots with a Suit? Expert Style Guide For Making A Great Style Decision

It is well known that we love cowboy boots here and argue for wearing them in numerous situations. But today we tackle the question of can you wear cowboy boots with a suit? The answer is yes, absolutely you can. It is becoming more and more common for people to embrace this style combination that looks polished and professional when done right.

A few key things to consider before we dive in deeper. You are going to have to choose the right combination of suit and cowboy boot to achieve the dapper look you’re aiming for. You will want to choose a boot color and style that complements both the color and style of your suit and bring in any accessories needed to complete the ensemble. Appropriate for either attending a formal event or just heading to a more upscale gathering, you have plenty of options to choose from when pairing your suit with cowboy boots.

do people wear cowboy boots with suits?

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, cowboy boots can be worn with suits.
  • You’ll want to choose boots that complement your suit’s color and style.
  • Suitable for both formal events and upscale gatherings, this combination is a great look.

can you wear brown cowboy boots with a black suit?

Wearing Cowboy Boots with a Suit

So, as we’ve established you can definitely pull off wearing cowboy boots with a suit. What you will need to wear this style with confidence is to consider the styles of both your cowboy boots and your suit. In this section, we are going to cover the different styles of cowboy boots and suit styles to help you create the perfect combo.

Styles of Cowboy Boots

You are going to want to make sure that your cowboy boots complement your suit. To do so you should choose a pair of boots that give off a more formal appearance. For example, this is a great time to pull out the boots made from a polished exotic leather or a smooth full-grain leather. These materials are going to add a refined touch to your overall ensemble.

You should also avoid wearing boots with a rougher texture, such as roughout leathers. Make sure to give your boots a good once over so that they look clean and well-maintained. Boots with scuffs or dirt are going to detract from the overall look.

As to the style of your cowboy boots, an important consideration is the shape of the boot’s toe. A more pointed toe is often considered a bit more formal and can also help elongate your leg to create a sleek profile. Rounded toes can also work with a suit, but in general I would avoid wearing overly square toes with a suit as they can give off a more casual appearance.

how should suit pants fit with cowboy boots?

Suit Styles

Next up in order to create a cohesive and stylish outfit, you need to choose a suit that complements your cowboy boots. Going with a well-tailored suit that fits your body type will help you to create a polished silhouette. A good fit is critical as too long or too loose suits may look less refined and create a clash with the profile of your cowboy boots. In terms of suit colors I would suggest opting in for classic shades like black, navy, or charcoal, as these will pair well with most cowboy boot styles and are routinely considered to be great color choices for more formal suit wear.

How should suit pants fit with cowboy boots? For a good look you should make sure that the hem of your trousers is tailored to the appropriate length. I recommend that it should cover the top of your cowboy boots without any bunching or excessive fabric. Some may prefer more of a stack, but I find in suits that is not a good look.  Keeping to a clean break will provide you an uninterrupted sight line while ensure your boots are visible without overwhelming your overall look.

Comfort is another key consideration when pairing cowboy boots with a suit. You want to make sure your boots both fit properly and provide adequate support as you may find yourself on your feet for extended periods of time. In addition, you want to ensure that your suit’s trousers are comfortable in the waist and seat and also have enough room in the leg to accommodate the boot shaft.

You definitely want to pay attention when selecting the appropriate styles of both your cowboy boots and suit so you can ensure that this combination will be complementary, comfortable and stylish.

If you stick to classic, sophisticated pieces in complementary materials and colors you’ll be well on your way to making a confident statement at any event you choose to attend.

what color suit with brown cowboy boots?

Color Selection and Combinations

Cowboy Boots Colors

When picking out which pair of cowboy boots to wear with your suit wondering what color to wear with what is bound to come up. I am sure like me you have had all kinds of questions come up such as “what color cowboy boots go with a black suit?” (go with black boots), “can you wear brown cowboy boots with a black suit?” (I would not recommend it), “what color suit with brown cowboy boots?” (navy is best, but you could also go with grey or charcoal) and even more. You can relax as we have you covered.

Black, brown, and tan are going to be the go-to options for pairing cowboy boots with a suit. Each of these different colors offers its own appeal. Choosing the black boots provides a classic and sleek look that will pair well with many suit colors. Picking brown boots can offer a warmer, more casual appearance, while opting for tan boots tends to be the most informal choice of the three.

To achieve a complete look, you need to choose your cowboy boots in a color that complements your suit. Don’t forget, the overall goal is to create a balanced and harmonious appearance in your look. Below are a few color combinations to consider:

  • Black cowboy boots: Wears well with black, navy, or charcoal suits.
  • Brown cowboy boots: Pairs up nicely with navy, brown, or beige suits.
  • Tan cowboy boots: These are best suited for those lighter-colored suits like beige and light grey.

can you wear cowboy boots with a suit?

Suit Colors

The suit color also plays a significant, if not even the major, role in determining the overall look of your outfit. Here as well you want to select a suit color that complements your cowboy boots. The following are some basic pointers to keep in mind when pairing suit colors with your cowboy boots:

  • Black suits: You are going to want to stick with black cowboy boots for a polished, professional look. I suggest that you avoid brown or tan boots with a black suit as they might clash with the dark hue of the suit.
  • Navy suits: You can go with either black or brown cowboy boots with a navy suit. I tend to recommend brown with navy as it looks really sharp together.
  • Grey suits: For grey suits, black cowboy boots are considered the safe and first choice, but I really enjoy wearing a nice brown boot at times with grey pants for variety.

Remember, the key to successfully pairing cowboy boots with a suit is to match the appropriate color combinations and maintain a balance between the two pieces.

what color cowboy boots go with a black suit?

How to Accessorize Cowboy Boots With Your Suit

The key accessory to look for here is a quality leather belt that matches your boot color. You always want to match the belt you wear with your boots or shoes.

We didn’t talk much about it, but you will need to make sure that your choice of shirt and tie complement your boots and suit outfit. You may want to opt for solid colors or simple patterns that don’t distract from the rest of your ensemble.

Formal and Casual Settings

Formal Occasions

If you are attending a more formal occasion such as a wedding or a business event, you should choose a clean, polished pair of boots while avoiding more casual styles like roughout leathers.

Casual Occasions

For your more casual occasions, you have a bit more flexibility when it comes to pairing cowboy boots with a suit. You can go with a more relaxed style of cowboy boots such as either square-toe boots or those made from suede or distressed leather. A more relaxed boot can add a casual flair to your outfit but does have the potential to clash with the formality of the suit. If going this route, you may want to also consider going without a tie to dress down just a bit of the formality of the suit.

Regardless of either formal or casual scenarios, at the end of the day your choice of footwear should align with the dress code of the event and the event’s atmosphere.

how should suit pants fit with cowboy boots?

Conclusion For Suiting Up With Cowboy Boots

So, we have answered the question and it is clear that yes, people do wear cowboy boots with suits, and it can be a good look.

A few rules to remember – Pay close attention to color coordination and select the appropriate type of boots. Your boots should have a more formal tone versus casual style. The key to maintaining a polished appearance is balance.

Color coordination is the most crucial element when it comes to pairing your boots with the suit. Remember the color rules for which color boots for which color pants and you will do good.

And lastly but not least, always match your belt to your cowboy boots.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/NOsDS3zMp6Q


Are Cowboy Boots Good for Motorcycle Riding? Exploring Safety and Comfort https://cowboybootguru.com/are-cowboy-boots-good-for-motorcycle-riding/ Fri, 04 Aug 2023 03:41:46 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=408 Read More]]> Are Cowboy Boots Good for Motorcycle Riding? Exploring Safety and Comfort Features of Cowboy Boots

A question you may be asking yourself as a motorcycle rider is “are cowboy boots good for motorcycle riding?” It is a common question to ask whether cowboy boots are a suitable choice for going out for a ride. The answer will depend on the specific features of the cowboy boots you own as some are more well suited for motorcycle riding than others. There is no doubt that the right pair of cowboy boots can offer a great combo of style, comfort, and some protection while riding, but not all cowboy boots are going to provide the necessary safety features needed for motorcycle riding.

Cowboy boots may come with non-slip outsoles which are important for maintaining stability on motorcycle pegs. Those that come with secure footing and extra protection for the feet and ankles can help you to have a comfortable and stylish ride. However, just as many other pairs are going to come with taller heels and smooth leather soles that may make your cowboy boots slippery and these may not be ideal for motorcycle riding.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, cowboy boots can offer style and comfort for motorcycle riding, but not all are going to provide necessary safety features.
  • Cowboy boots with non-slip outsoles and secure footing are important for stability during motorcycle rides.
  • Consider cowboy boots with all necessary features for a safe ride or look for an alternative motorcycle footwear option for increased safety and ease of bike operation.

are cowboy boots good for riding motorcycles?

Advantages of Cowboy Boots for Motorcycle Riding


When it comes solely to looks then cowboy boots can definitely add a touch of style and charm to your motorcycle riding experience. Choose an option with unique colors or designs and they can easily bring a sense of individuality to your riding attire. Their tall shafts and intricate stitching will often catch the eye of fellow riders and passersby.


Cowboy boots are almost always made of durable materials like high-quality leathers and can withstand a decent amount wear and tear from regular use depending on the material. This can be ideal for motorcycle riding giving you sturdy footwear to protect your feet and ankles. However, be aware that while they will provide some protection they might not offer as much reinforcement as a pair of more specialized motorcycle boots would offer.


Cowboy boots are well known for being a comfortable wearing piece of kit and comfort when riding a motorcycle is a high priority. Many riders find that the cushioned insoles and arch support of the right pair of cowboy boots can make long rides more bearable. The design of cowboy boots can also allow for easier movement while straddling your bike and unless you have some ornamentation on your boots there are going to be minimal opportunities for snagging of laces or other loose items.

It is probably true that cowboy boots may not be your top choice for a dedicated motorcycle boot, but they do offer some advantages to consider in terms of aesthetics, durability, and comfort.

are cowboy boots ok for motorcycle riding?

Disadvantages of Cowboy Boots for Motorcycle Riding

Lack of Proper Safety Features

On the downside, cowboy boots may not provide the essential safety features that motorcycle riders need to protect themselves. Unlike a dedicated motorcycle shoe or boots, normal cowboy boots will lack the necessary extra padded protection and ankle support that can help reduce the risk of injuries in case of an accident. It is important to remember that cowboy boots are not specifically designed for maximum safety on a motorcycle, while some of the specialized footwear is crafted for these rider-specific requirements.

Leather Sole and Slip Resistance

One of the key downsides to keep in mind is that the smooth leather sole of many cowboy boots can be slippery and cause slipping issues for motorcycle riders. A dedicated motorcycle boot is more typically going to have both an oil-resistant and slip-resistant sole to ensure that you maintain better traction and control when riding your bike. Also, the leather soles of cowboy boots are not waterproof whereas often times proper motorcycle footwear will meet these criteria.

While cowboy boots are known for being tough and durable, the abrasion resistance of cowboy boots is not going to be on par with the protection that can be offered by motorcycle boots which are specifically engineered for a high level of durability and crash resistance. In the unfortunate event of an accident, your feet may not be adequately protected from injury when wearing cowboy boots compared to a dedicated pair of motorcycle boots.

are cowboy boots good motorcycle boots?

What’s the Verdict? Are Cowboy Boots Good for Riding Motorcycles

When looking at the pros and cons and then summarizing the downsides of cowboy boots for riding motorcycles, they really come back to the one point – they are going to lack in safety features in comparison to a dedicated riding boot when it comes to motorcycle riding. As you want to prioritize your safety as much as possible you should probably go with a footwear choice more specifically designed for motorcycle riders that offers more features tailored to those needs.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/jlteFcI73os

are cowboy boots good for motorcycle riding?

Why Do Cowboy Boots Have No Tread? The Mystery Explained. https://cowboybootguru.com/why-do-cowboy-boots-have-no-tread/ Fri, 04 Aug 2023 03:41:24 +0000 https://cowboybootguru.com/?p=407 Read More]]> Why Do Cowboy Boots Have No Tread? Get the Explanation Here

If you’ve ever looked at a cowboy boot and noticed that they don’t have any tread on the bottom, but instead have smooth leather sole you may have wondered “why do cowboy boots have no tread?”.  I mean, isn’t the tread on the boot sole going to be important for traction and stability? In this article, we’ll take a look at the reasons why cowboy boots are often designed with smooth soles and without tread.

So, why don’t cowboy boots have tread? The answer lies in the original design criteria of the boots. Cowboy boots grew up out of a use in riding and ranching and were designed with a smooth sole to allow the wearer to more easily slide their foot in and out of the stirrup of a saddle. Cowboy boots also are going to have a heel that prevents the foot from going too far into the stirrup as that could be dangerous if the rider falls from the horse.

In the following sections, we’ll take a dive into a bit of the history and evolution of cowboy boots, as well as the safety considerations that led to their unique design and a bit of what to consider as alternatives or how to deal with the slipperiness.

Key Takeaways

  • Cowboy boots come from a design based on spending hours in the saddle in rugged terrain.
  • Cowboy boots smooth sole allows the wearer to easily slide their foot in and out of the stirrup of a saddle.

why do cowboy boots have no tread?

History and Evolution of Cowboy Boots

Cowboy boots have a rich history. The first early modern cowboy boots grew out of and were designed to meet the needs of cowboys who were spending long hours in the saddle. These boots were usually made from leather and featured a raised heel and a pointed toe.

As the popularity of cowboy boots grew over time and became more popular the demand for more stylish and decorative designs grew along with it. Traditional cowboy boots were and still are often adorned with intricate stitching, embroidery, and other colorful designs.

As time passed cowboy boots became a staple of not only western wear for cowboys, but also rodeo performers and country music stars. In our current times cowboy boots are still very popular and have expanded to come in a variety of styles that ranges from traditional, to exotic, to more modern contemporary design features.

Over this time, the lack of tread on cowboy boots has become part of their general design and some consider it to now be a style statement and a hearken back to tradition. It is still extremely common to have a smooth leather sole on a cowboy boot. However, cowboy boot manufacturers have responded to market demand and many modern cowboy boots are available that do come with a rubber sole for better traction on slippery surfaces.

why do some boots have no tread?

Why Cowboy Boots Have No Tread

As mentioned in the intro, the answer here is straightforward – it’s because they’re originally designed for riding. The smooth leather soles can help you to easily get in and out of the stirrups of a saddle. If you have on thick soles with treads, they could get hung up in a stirrup and cause you to get injured.

The lack of tread on classically designed cowboy boots is intentional whether as a style choice in more modern times or if you are still using them to ride.

In addition to their utility for riding, smooth sole cowboy boots have also become popular for line and country dancing. The lack of tread can be a benefit if you are making sliding dance moves and you still get the benefit of your cowboy boots’ looks, support, and stability.

Using Sandpaper to Rough up Cowboy Boots

One tip that some use on their leather soles is to rough it up with sandpaper to give it a bit more grip. Alternatively, over time with wear on rougher surfaces your leather soles should gain similar roughing up with use.

why is there no tread on cowboy boots?

Safety Considerations for Cowboy Boots

There is no doubt – cowboy boots with no tread and smooth leather soles can be kind of slippery on certain surfaces. If you’ve ever walked in them on wet concrete you’ll know what I mean. If you plan on wearing your cowboy boots on slippery surfaces, you should consider getting a pair that comes with a rubber sole. Cowboy boots with rubber soles can provide more grip and stability compared to smooth leather soles making them safer to wear in slippery conditions.

Modern features of cowboy boots

You can find boots made solely with traditional soles or in more modern materials. As you view the market for boots, the traditional hard leather soles of cowboy boots are continuously evolving, and manufacturers are always utilizing new and more modern materials and technologies to enhance their cowboy boot’s comfort and durability.

One of these innovations has been the integration of flexible, rubber-based soles into some cowboy boots. These rubber soles can provide improved shock absorption and traction when compared to traditional leather soles. Boots with these types of rubber soles often will incorporate treads designed to prevent slips and falls and are a major advancement in cowboy boots’ functionality in the modern world. This is especially true for wearers who wear them in varying terrain or weather conditions.

These continued enhancements to the product have made cowboy boots more versatile while still allowing them to offer timeless style with comfort levels similar to other types of modern footwear.

You can watch a Youtube video that is based on a summary of this article by going here: https://youtu.be/FxbVdqCXGv4

do cowboy boots have tread?
